Thursday, March 6, 2025

Coronado Design Review Commission Meeting Minutes

Regular Meeting January 14, 2009 The regular meeting of the Coronado Design Review Commission was called to order at 3:05 p.m., Wednesday, January 14, 2009, at the Coronado City Hall Council Chambers, 1825 Strand Way, Coronado, California, by Chairperson Reed. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioners Hammett, Reed, Shallan, and Turpit MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Jones STAFF PRESENT: Peter Fait, Associate Planner Martha L Alvarez, Recording Secretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Minutes of December 10, 2008, were approved as submitted. DIRECTOR’S REPORT Design Review Commission Annual Election of Officers Mr. Fait reported that once a year, the Commission holds their Annual Meeting for the election of officers. He asked if the Commission wanted to proceed with the election, or continue the item until a full quorum was present. The Commission agreed to continue the item to the next regular meeting. COMMITTEE REPORTS Commissioner Shallan reported that Main Street met and discussed various ongoing projects. One of the topics of discussion was a decision made by the Planning Commission regarding the approval of a Special Use Permit for a computer software company located on Orange Avenue. Main Street was concerned that this decision would set a precedent for this type of business on Orange Avenue. Another discussion item involved the exterior renovation of the Village Theatre. Lastly, Main Street expressed their concern about the possible effects the construction of Rotary Plaza will have on motorcars. Commissioner Shallan requested that an item be placed on a future agenda to discuss the Public Art Subcommittee with regard to its purpose, member term dates and potential designated projects assigned to them by the Design Review Commission. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS AND OTHER MATTERS There were no members of the public wishing to speak at this time. APPLICATIONS FOR REVIEW DR 21-08 VFW POST 2422 – Proposed new memorial walls, landscaping and lighting at the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post, located at 557 Orange Avenue within the Orange Avenue Corridor Specific Pan/R-4 (Multi Family Residential) Zone. Mr. Fait presented the staff report as outlined in the agenda. The applicant, Kraig Nicolls, 1535 Tidelands Avenue, Suite J, National City, presented sample material and made himself available to answer questions. Commissioner Shallan asked if the face would match the top of the wall. Mr. Nicholls said the face block is sand colored and is almost the same color as the cap stone. The face will be honed to make it more presentable and the seams will be filled with grout so it will look like individual placards. They are proposing new lighting, a new meandering walkway, and a pathway with a bench which will have a bronzed engraved plaque. They are proposing to up-light the flag and walls from a flush mount HadCo low voltage lighting. Commissioner Shallan asked if etching will be possible on both sides of the wall. Mr. Nicholls said etching is possible on both sides of the wall for two of the three walls. The third wall located at the rear of the property faces a hedge. Commissioner Shallan asked if there is a spec for the concrete pathway. Mr. Nicholls said they plan on keeping its historic look. Mr. Fait said it is a plain colored concrete with the architectural details (racebands). Chairperson Reed asked about the height of each of the three walls. Mr. Nicholls said the back wall is 6 feet high, the middle wall is 4 ½ feet, and the front wall is 3 feet high. He added that the hedge at the rear of the property is almost 9 feet tall. Commissioner Hammett asked about handicap requirements and if they were requested in the permits. Mr. Nicholls said they were not required but is something he preferred to do so that wheelchair access is possible. It is not a part of the ADA requirements. Commissioner Hammett asked if there were plans to taper out the sidewalk to allow pedestrians from either direction to “feel invited.” Mr. Nicholls said the 4-foot pathway could definitely be tapered open into the sidewalk. Commissioner Shallan recommended this change as it would discourage people to walk on the grass. Commissioner Turpit asked about the up-lights. Mr. Nicholls said the up-lights are sufficient enough to light the signs. PUBLIC COMMENT There were no members of the public wishing to speak at this time. COMMISSION DISCUSSION Commissioner Shallan said this is a much improved version and is well done. Chairperson Reed spoke on behalf of Commissioner Jones who communicated that this is an improvement over the previous plan. Ms. Reed agreed that this plan is much more inviting and is a commendable project. COMMISSION ACTION COMMISSIONER SHALLAN MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE REQUEST AS SUBMITTED, WITH THE CONDITION THAT THE NEW SIDEWALK BE FLARED ON BOTH SIDES WHERE IT ADJOINS THE PUBLIC SIDEWALK ALONG ORANGE AVENUE. COMMISSIONER HAMMETT SECONDED THE MOTION. AYES: Commissioners Hammett, Reed, Shallan, and Turpit. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Jones. ABSTAIN: None. The motion passed with a vote of 4-0. There is a 15-day appeal period. DR 11-08 CORONADO PLAZA – Request for design approval of a proposed sign program for the existing commercial building located at 1330 Orange Avenue within the Orange Avenue Corridor Specific Plan/C (Commercial) Zone. Chairperson Reed reported that Commissioner Jones and she met with the developers to discuss this project. Director Fait presented the staff report as outlined in the agenda. Commissioner Turpit suggested that the words “clearance” be displayed vertically on a sign that is less obtrusive. Chairperson Reed suggested reducing the proposed sign to half its size so that the wing does not project as much. She said she prefers the vertical sign because the horizontal sign disturbs the skyline. Joey Aliano, 2061 Village Parkway, Encinitas, said the vertical sign would not fit many words because it is only one foot wide. Commissioner Turpit suggested displaying the word “clearance” on both the vertical and horizontal sign in a red color and in the same font size as the word “parking.” Mr. Aliano said it would be difficult to read the sign, especially at night, because the sign is not illuminated. Commissioner Shallan commented that from a business operating perspective, it is important to have a large sign. He expressed concern that the vertical sign, while it may be more aesthetically pleasing, would not be as visible. He stated it is important to have an overhead sign. Chairperson Reed suggested that the vertical sign contain the word “parking” and that the word “entrance” be removed. Commissioner Shallan said that by placing the vertical sign on the light standard, it would get lost in the sea of banners. Commissioner Shallan asked about the number of triangle signs. Mr. Aliano said there is one triangle sign. Commissioner Turpit asked if the tenant’s lease indicates they must use a specific color or type style for their sign. Kevin Burns, Property Manager, 1231-B State Street, Santa Barbara, responded that the individual tenants would use the type style that is consistent with their brand. Commissioner Turpit suggested that the stack sign display same color wording for the businesses as it would be easier to read. Chairperson Reed responded that the different colors on the sign serve to identify the different businesses. Commissioner Shallan understands that companies have logos and trademarks and they are not always wiling to change them. Chairperson Reed said she is in favor of allowing tenants to use their same logo style on the building for identification purposes because they are working within a structure that has continuity throughout the building. Mr. Burns agreed. He said that businesses want the opportunity to have their own identity. PUBLIC COMMENT There were no members of the publish wishing to speak at this time. COMMISSION DISCUSSION Chairperson Reed said that the designers worked very hard in trying to appease the Commission’s concerns. She prefers the vertical sign but understands the logic behind having the overhead with the clearance bar; however, she would like the sign reduced to half its size. She has no issues with the monument signs or the others signs. Commissioner Hammett agreed that the horizontal parking sign works better in achieving the goal of getting customers into the shopping center. He agrees with reducing the horizontal sign to half of its size and feels that it is necessary that the monument sign should contain different colors in order to help identify the different businesses. Commissioner Turpit asked if the Subway sign, which is face mounted on the building, would be approved today as is. Mr. Fait said the Subway sign is an old sign approved under the old codes. The sign was recently replaced because of maintenance issues and the City asked that the sign be changed from interior lit to back lit. The corporate logo and colors were maintained. Chairperson Reed said the colors would be approved today as is because it is a corporate logo. The size would also be approved if it meets the Orange Avenue Specific Plan requirements. Commissioner Turpit said the new owners have done a good job with the building; however, he differs with the type of signage that is proposed to be placed on a building that has been cleaned up. He added that he prefers the vertical parking sign, located under the light pole, instead of the large horizontal sign. Commissioner Shallan asked about the landscaping surrounding the monument sign. Ronnie Rollman, Studio C Architects, 6125 Cornerstone Court, San Diego, said the Palm trees have been removed and relocated elsewhere on site. The low ground cover remains. Chairperson Reed asked if the signage will show above the ground cover. Mr. Rollman replied yes. He also commented that if the overhead parking sign is reduced in length, they can probably thin out the column from 8 inches to about 4 ½ to 6 inches. Chairperson Reed asked if the sign can be attached to the lamp post. Mr. Rollman replied no, because it is a cantilevered weight that must be supported. Commissioner Shallan said he supports having the horizontal sign reduced to half its width and having the word “entrance” removed. Scaling down the post would be great. He suggested stacking the letters on the vertical sign. He added that this plan is a vast improvement over what was previously submitted. In addition, he said he has always been a proponent of allowing tenants to have the flexibility to display their logos. COMMISSION ACTION COMMISSIONER SHALLAN MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE REQUEST AS SUBMITTED, WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. THAT VERTICAL PARKING BANNER SIGN (SIGN F ALTERNATE B) BE USED AT THE CORNER OF ORANGE AVENUE AND R.H. DANA PLACE, AND THAT THE TEXT RUN VERTICALLY WITH THE LETTER “P” AT TOP; 2. THAT THE PROJECTING PARKING POLE SIGN (SIGN G) BE USED AT THE ENTRANCE TO THE PARKING GARAGE, AND THAT SAID SIGN BE SHORTENED IN HALF BY DELETING THE WORD “ENTRANCE,” AND THAT THE MASS OF THE VERTICAL TUBE SUPPORT BE REDUCED AS STRUCTURALLY PERMITTED. CHAIRPERSON REED SECONDED THE MOTION. AYES: Commissioners Hammett, Reed, Shallan, and Turpit. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Jones. ABSTAIN: None. The motion passed with a vote of 4-0. There is a 15-day appeal period. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:03 p.m. Rachel A. Hurst Director of Community Development, Redevelopment & Housing Services


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