Submitted by the Coronado VFW
We want to thank the students and teachers of Coronado schools (Christ Church, Sacred Heart, Graham Memorial, and Coronado Unified School District) for participation in the National Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Voice of Democracy Grants program and the Teachers Award program. The programs offer middle school, high school students and teachers of all grades a chance for awards and recognition. The Patriot’s Pen program gives sixth, seventh and eighth grade students the opportunity to express their opinion on a patriotic theme and improve their writing skills. Every year, tens of thousands of students nationwide participate in the Voice of Democracy Scholarship Competition and the Patriot’s Pen Essay Contest.

Coronado middle school students Emelie Norris, Sam Smith, Elle LaMagna, and Brooklyn Melancon each received awards for their papers in response to the Patriot’s Pen competition. Coronado’s VFW Post Commander Boyd Zbinden (USN Ret) and awards judge John Nolan (USN Ret) presented recognition and awards. Great job Sam, Elle, Emelie and Brooklyn! The VFW also asks schoolteachers to participate in the Smart/Maher VFW National Citizenship Education Teacher program. Teachers who promote civic responsibility, flag etiquette and patriotism are prime candidates for awards. Teacher Katie Vanhaaster with Graham Memorial School was recognized for her work. Great job Katie!

Special thanks to our VFW member judges; Tim O’Brien, Clint Miles, John Nolan, and Frank “Al” Lovering for your time and effort. We at the VFW Post 2422 look forward to expanding this program in Coronado next October, so get ready everyone!