Naval Base Coronado will be in a training exercise from Feb. 12 to 16. Travelers should expect traffic delays.
The training is a part of the U.S. Navy’s annual Citadel Shield-Solid Curtain exercise, which began on Feb. 5 and is conducted at bases around the country. During the exercise, Navy personnel will simulate various security threat scenarios to test and improve the responses.
As a result, residents may see or hear increased security activity.
The training is not a response to specific threats, but rather is a regularly scheduled exercise for practical experience and learning, the Department of Defense says.
Other area Navy bases are also participating in the exercise and also can expect delays.
These delays could impact visitors to bases, including Navy Exchange and commissary shoppers, family services clients, and individuals with medical clinic appointments. Naval Medical Center San Diego patients, visitors, and hospital staff may also experience significant delays and increased traffic. Patients are advised to arrive at least 45 minutes early for scheduled medical appointments.