Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Enforcement of Organic Waste Collection Begins in 2024

Starting in 2024, Coronado will enforce Senate Bill 1383 which requires all California residents and businesses (including multi-family residences) to separate organic waste from trash and recycling. The regulation aims to divert 75% of organic waste from landfills by 2025 to reduce methane emissions contributing to climate change.

EDCO bins: green for organics, blue for mixed recycling, grey for trash. Learn more here.

COLLECTION. EDCO has collected Coronado’s organic yard waste for decades, but in March 2021 they added collection of food waste in green carts. All residents should already have an EDCO green cart (96-gallon, 64-gallon, or 32-gallon) and can request two additional 96-gallon green carts at no extra charge. EDCO transports organic waste to their high-tech anaerobic digester facility in Escondido that is capable of composting more items than a typical home compost.

SORTING WASTE. In addition to yard waste and food scraps, organic waste includes food-soiled paper products such as napkins, plates, chop sticks, and pizza boxes. Paper products lined with plastic (most disposable beverage cups) are non-compostable, non-recyclable trash and should not be placed with organic waste. Clean paper should be placed in recycling instead of organic waste. Organic waste (and recycling) should be placed loosely in carts and never in plastic bags.

EDCO guidelines on organic waste for green bins.

Be wary of “bioplastics” that are made partially from plant materials but due to processing, are not compostable. A general guideline for what belongs in the green bin is, “if it grows, it goes.”

REQUIREMENTS. Businesses complying with SB1383 need to meet all of the following requirements:

    • Provide organic waste and recyclable containers for employees and customers.
    • Provide indoor containers for organic waste and recyclables in all areas where disposal containers are provided for customers (except in restrooms).
    • Container lids must be gray/black for garbage, blue for recycling, and green for organics. 
    • Waste containers must be labeled with graphic images to indicate what materials are accepted and prohibited.

Most local food establishments are not yet compliant with these requirements. Help our local businesses by asking about their organic waste collection to motivate participation.

Separated waste collection at Panera Bread on Orange Avenue.

INSPECTION. In compliance with state law, the City of Coronado is partnering with EDCO to enforce organic waste collection. EDCO installed cameras on collection trucks and will use artificial intelligence to identify misplaced organic waste. Accounts with organic waste in the trash will receive written notice with a tag on their bin, and if contamination continues, will receive a notice of violation. Repeated violations may lead to penalties starting at $100 per occurrence.

EXCEPTIONS. Businesses that generate less than 20 gallons of organic waste per week can apply to the City’s Public Services Department for a waiver to be exempt from the organic waste collection requirements. As of December 2023, 12 local businesses had approved waivers.

ASSISTANCE. The City and EDCO are available to assist residents and businesses that have challenges meeting the organic waste collection requirements. Additional information is available at CalRecycle and the City of Coronado website.

Encourage residents and businesses to sort their organic waste to keep Coronado Emerald Green, Ocean Blue.


Organics Recycling Update: Multi-family and Commercial Business

Residential Organic Recycling Program Began One Year Ago

EDCO Organic Recycling Program Begins March 1

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