Monday, March 3, 2025

Veterans Day to be Celebrated in Musical Concert – Nov. 11

By Dawn Richards

As Roy Rogers once said, ”We can’t all be heroes; someone has to sit on the curb and clap as they go by.” This Veterans Day, Coronado has the chance to clap for and honor our veterans at a tribute concert on Saturday, November 11, at 7 pm. The free performance will be held at Coronado Middle School’s Granzer Hall.

A federal holiday, Veterans Day is always held on November 11, no matter the day of the week on which it falls. This year however, the 11th happens to fall on Saturday, the day of the concert, making it an extra special day to celebrate those who have served. And, adding to the concert’s allure, it will be performed in a unique collaboration between three of Coronado’s best known musical groups: the Coronado Concert Band, Musica Vitale, and the Crown City Chorale. Created as a way of honoring our service members and giving back to the community, this trifecta of musical talent promises to enhance our community spirit and shared ideals, further making this a momentous event.

The Crown City Chorale, Coronado’s community chorus which welcomes everyone with no auditions necessary, will sing at the Veterans Day Tribute Concert. (Photo courtesy Dawn Richards)

Musical selections include the well-known Armed Forces service songs, along with historically notable military anthems and hymns. One selection sure to be familiar is “The Mansions of the Lord,” a powerful and dignified hymn composed by film director and songwriter Randall Wallace, and set to music by English film score composer Nick Glennie-Smith for the 2002 film, “We Were Soldiers.” The audience may also recognize it from President Reagan’s funeral recessional. An homage to fallen service members with the promise to stand and guard, its poignant message reminds us that in death there is peace from war and pain.

Musica Vitale is a professional ensemble presenting chamber music of Romantic and Contemporary periods of Music History, emotionally open and charged with expression. These professional level vocalists will perform at the Veterans Day Tribute Concert. (Photo courtesy Dawn Richards)

The repertoire is particularly fitting as, unlike Memorial Day’s commemoration of those who died in service, Veterans Day honors the men and women who serve and protect us, both living and deceased. Its origins lie in the end of WWI, when it became known as Armistice Day. In 1954, under President Eisenhower, the name was changed to Veterans Day to honor the men and women who served in all wars.

Founded in 1997, Coronado Concert Band’s mission is to create opportunity for musicians of all ages to come together in an ensemble to exchange ideas, develop skills, and have fun while producing quality music for the entertainment of the greater community. They will provide the instrumental music for the Veterans Day Tribute Concert. (Photo courtesy Dawn Richards)

The Concert Band’s Musical Director, Frederick Lee, and Founder Phil Imming, along with Musica Vitale and Crown City Chorale’s Founder and Director, Elena Vizuet, came together to laud Coronado’s veterans, both here in the present and those who live in memory.

It seems impossible that audience members won’t leave without feeling the stirring of patriotism for country and compassion for humanity. You won’t want to miss this!

Veterans Day Tribute Concert
November 11, 7 pm
Coronado Middle School, Granzer Hall
550 F Ave., Coronado

Free of charge, though donations are always welcome.



Managing Editor
Managing Editor
Originally from upstate New York, Dani Schwartz has lived in Coronado since 1996. She is happy to call Coronado home and to have raised her children here. In her free time she enjoys reading, exercising, trying new restaurants, and just walking her dog around the "island." Have news to share? Send tips or story ideas to: [email protected]

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