Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Tar Balls Wash Ashore in Coronado

Last week, City Lifeguards and beachgoers discovered tar balls on Coronado’s South Beach. Lifeguards have been sweeping the beach at least twice a day since early October following the Orange County oil spill. Together with beach patrons, Lifeguards have found more than three pounds of tar. The tar was documented, reported and properly disposed.

Fire Chief Mike Blood, whose department oversees Lifeguards, said there were reports of tar balls being found at Silver Strand State Beach as well. On Sunday, Oct. 31, about 1.5 pounds of various balls of tar were discovered. The same amount was found on Tuesday, Nov. 2.

If beachgoers see unusual tar balls, they are asked not to touch them. Tar balls are considered a hazardous material and can irritate the skin. Please contact Lifeguards at 619-522-7346 if tar balls are spotted or report them to [email protected]. Provide the date, time, and location observed as well as a description of the quantity.

While tar balls can occur naturally, the amount of what has washed ashore in Coronado may eventually be linked to the oil spill in Orange County. While not considered a large amount, the City will continue to monitor the beach twice daily.


Update on Orange County Oil Spill Cleanup Operations

City of Coronado
City of Coronadohttps://www.coronado.ca.us/
A small beach community with an island feel. Incorporated in 1890, Coronado has a rich history and exceptional community assets in a village atmosphere.

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