Wednesday, January 15, 2025

No Place For Hate Sounds Like A Good Motto For A Kinder, Gentler World, But…

Letters to the Editor submitted to The Coronado Times are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher, editors or writers of this publication. Submit letters to [email protected].

Submitted by Carolyn Rogerson

No place for hate sounds like a good motto for a kinder, gentler world. A good thing to teach children. Perhaps just another way of expressing the golden rule, “Do Unto Others as You Would Have Others Do Unto You.” To parents, grandparents and all concerned folks:

The “No Place for Hate” program pledge isn’t just a student’s promise to be kind. A school district, like Coronado, is committing itself to a strict set of rules and classroom time devoted to participation, in order to be a registered NPfH member school. If you are not familiar with the 56 page ADL “No Place for Hate” Coordinator Handbook and Resource Guide, I suggest you take a look at It opened my eyes to how the movement intends to instruct grades K-12 students with an ideology intended to quickly move from kindness to social justice and beyond. Along the way there appears to be suggestions on how to supplant parents, guardians and family with a school based indoctrination system. ADL requires schools to register and report on progress and infractions. Please, don’t take my word for it.

Read the Welcome and Getting Started introductions. Note the “Additional Expectations.” Go to “Activity Planning Recommendations,” page 19, read “Move On From Kindness. Schools Need to Foster Social Justice.” Then please read “Let’s Get It Right: Using Correct Pronouns and Names,” page 24, 8th paragraph instructs teachers to hide information from parents and guardians. Teachers may distribute a “get to know you survey.” This is where the questions of gender, pronouns and names are innocuously placed among the “what did you do last summer” inquiries. Teachers are then instructed to ask the student, “whether it’s okay or not to use their name and pronoun in communication home to parents/family members and in parent-teacher conferences.” Since when are teachers to deny parents/guardians important information regarding the mental, emotional and physical welfare of their own children? Children struggling with gender confusion, identity dysphoria and bullying are extremely vulnerable. How many teachers have the necessary education to be a positive asset in dealing with these very complex situations? How many children will become victims of predators (teachers, coaches, counselors) who will take advantage of their vulnerability? What does Coronado SAFE think about this proposal? Parents must assert their rights to educate and protect their children against such shady indoctrination.

While presenting the “No Place for Hate” program, the Equity Committee said implementing the ADL instruction does not take away time from Academic studies. However, reading through ADL’s requirements, you will learn that self assessment surveys and subsequent classroom discussions are to take place. Time is to be devoted every morning for discussion and updates; journals are to be kept recording any in school and outside of school incidents that go against the NPfH pledge and teachings. Three instruction books are suggested for grades K-5, 6-8, and 9-12 at about $47.00 each. Is this where you want your education tax dollars and Coronado Schools Foundation donations to go? Project assignments associated with NPfH are to be scheduled in each grade throughout the school year. Related art projects are to be created in all grades and “prominently displayed around school campus.” All this sounds fairly time consuming to me.

Are you happy with this addition to the CUSD curriculum? Make your opinions heard at the 4:00, Thursday, June 17, 2021 CUSD School Board meeting.

If you cannot attend, email your concerns to:

President Lee Pontes, [email protected]
Vice President Ester Valdes-Clayton, [email protected]
Superintendent Karl Mueller, [email protected]
Member Stacy Keszei, [email protected]
Member Whitney Antrim, [email protected]

Contact School Board Members at 619-522-8900 x1025

 Carolyn Rogerson

Managing Editor
Managing Editor
Originally from upstate New York, Dani Schwartz has lived in Coronado since 1996. She is happy to call Coronado home and to have raised her children here. In her free time she enjoys reading, exercising, trying new restaurants, and just walking her dog around the "island." Have news to share? Send tips or story ideas to: [email protected]

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