Wednesday, March 12, 2025

San Diego County COVID-19 Cases Skyrocket

From late July through the month of October we’d gotten used to new daily COVID-19 cases that average 300 a day. Since early November through today, the average has gone up to 600, and more than 600 cases have been reported every single day in the past week.

Too many San Diegans are failing to take sufficient measures to protect themselves from getting or passing COVID-19. That’s the explanation County health officials gave today for the record number of COVID-19 cases that have been reported recently.

Over the last seven days, the number of COVID-19 cases skyrocketed, reaching a record 1,087 cases Nov. 14 and followed by 833 cases Nov. 15. In the last seven days, 5,031 cases were reported, compared to 3,161 the previous week.

“Exactly a month ago, we sounded the alarm about the possibility of entering the purple tier and last Tuesday we confirmed that we had moved to the most restrictive tier. I had hoped those warnings would lead to a new trend in our personal and collective behavior,” said Wilma Wooten, M.D., M.P.H., County public health officer “Over the last weeks, we have seen the results of what can happen when we relax our personal behaviors and let down our guard.”

COVID-19 cases have been drastically increasing across the region, the state and the nation. California is now a sea of purple with 41 counties being in the most restrictive Purple Tier.

That’s why County health officials are strongly urging San Diegans to follow the public health guidance. That includes:

  • Wearing a face covering
  • Staying six feet apart from others outside your household
  • Washing your hands frequently
  • Avoiding crowds, gatherings or groups
  • Staying home if you are sick

“Understand that you are taking action not because I ask you, but because the different entities that comprise the vital fabric of our community need you to take action. It’s that simple,” Wooten pleaded. “COVID-19 stops with you. Please do your part to ensure we slow the spread of COVID-19. We cannot afford to waste another minute.”

Report Businesses Not Following Health Order

The County is stepping up its enforcement efforts to make sure businesses and other entities are following the local health order.

The County will be issuing more cease and desist orders to local businesses for failure to comply. If businesses continue to ignore the public health order, the County will issue closure orders. A list of cease and desist orders is now available at – the short list currently includes one Coronado establishment.

Additionally, letters were issued to all local law enforcement agencies asking them to help enforce the local health order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and drive the number of cases down.

San Diegans may report, anonymously, businesses or entities that are not following the local health order. You can do it by calling (858) 694-2900 or emailing at [email protected]

Thanksgiving Guidance

The County has issued COVID-19 guidance for Thanksgiving and other upcoming holidays.

For Thanksgiving, the following is recommended:

  • Remote events with family and friends, such as a virtual dinner, sharing recipes, a virtual turkey trot or online game
  • Televised or live streaming events at home with members of your own household
  • Outdoor orchards, food markets, and seasonal craft fairs where state guidance is followed

State Metrics:

  • San Diego County’s state-calculated, adjusted case rate is currently 10.7 cases per 100,000 residents and the region is in Purple Tier or Tier 1.

County Community Setting Outbreaks:

  • 17 new community outbreaks were confirmed between Nov. 13 and Nov. 15: seven in restaurant/bar settings, three in business settings, two in restaurant settings, one in a daycare/preschool/childcare setting, one in a healthcare setting, one in a government setting, one in a food processing setting and one in an emergency services setting.

Managing Editor
Managing Editor
Originally from upstate New York, Dani Schwartz has lived in Coronado since 1996. She is happy to call Coronado home and to have raised her children here. In her free time she enjoys reading, exercising, trying new restaurants, and just walking her dog around the "island." Have news to share? Send tips or story ideas to: [email protected]

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