Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Coronado Beaches Set to Re-Open for Activities, No Loitering

Beginning at 6 a.m. on Monday, Coronado will open its beach to recreational water sports and to walking and running. Social distancing and sanitation must be maintained. Anyone displaying any symptoms of being sick is not allowed on any public beach or park.

In cooperation with San Diego Coastal cities and in response to San Diego County’s recently amended health order, ocean water activity may resume on Monday off Coronado beach and running and walking with restrictions will start again on the sandy beach.

Regional coastal agencies announced earlier this week a coordinated regional plan for the phased reduction of restrictions on beaches in San Diego County. The plan was developed and approved by regional lifeguards and police agencies. It did not address the timing of the reduction in beach and water activity restrictions, which depended on when the County’s Public Health Official determined it was safe.

On Friday, the County’s Public Health Officer announced that it was safe and reduced ocean water restrictions effective Monday, April 27.

As a result, beginning at 6 a.m. on Monday, Coronado will open its beach to recreational water sports and to walking and running. Social distancing and sanitation must be maintained. Anyone displaying any symptoms of being sick is not allowed on any public beach or park. Beginning May 1, face coverings will be required whenever you are within 6 feet of another person. Until then, it is recommended you use face coverings to the extent possible.

Beachgoers may enter the ocean water for swimming, kayaking, paddle boarding and other recreational water sports. However, people may not loiter, lay on the sand or gather in groups of any size at the beach. The beach will close during this phase at 6 p.m.

Coronado’s Dog Beach and the nearby fire pits, as well as Sunset Park, will remain closed due to the difficulty visitors have had in adhering to social distancing requirements and the risk that places on public safety officials. The City will begin removing yellow caution tape, barriers and signs advising beachgoers of the beach closure before Monday morning. Additional signs will be placed at Dog Beach, and Coronado Police will step up patrols in the area to remind the community that both Dog Beach and the fire rings are closed.

Activities are allowed in accordance with the state’s public health order. While outdoor activities are allowed, the health order requires that people stay home if they can.

Parking remains restricted around the beach and parks in Coronado, and now includes no parking on both sides of Ocean Boulevard. The bay and the Glorietta Bay Boat Launch Ramp remain closed. Recreational boating is prohibited at this time.

The deliberation of the regional agencies included the possibility of relaxing the restrictions merely on ocean water activity or merely on beach running and walking. It was collectively determined that both ocean water activity and limited beach access would occur simultaneously.

The Coronado Municipal Golf Course remains closed at this time. The City will open the Golf Course upon receiving clear guidance from the County allowing Coronado to do so.

Coronado Times Staff
Coronado Times Staff
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