For Coronado Rotarians, the look forward to a world without polio really can become a reality. With the help of many from around the globe, and hopefully Coronado Friends of Rotary as well, a terrifying virus can be eliminated forever.
“To end polio for all time, we must reach zero cases worldwide and stay there,” said Kevin Rugee, Coronado Rotary president. “Since PolioPlus was launched in 1985, the combined efforts of Rotary, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, along with the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, have brought the number of cases of polio down from an estimated 350,000 per year to just a few so far in 2017.
“If you would like to donate to our End Polio Now campaign and become a Friend of Rotary in this endeavor, please go to the website and click the End Polio Now button on the right hand side. Over the years we have seen the combination of every size of donation makes a difference. Many of us have given in honor of friends and family members who were stricken with polio as children. We continue to give with realization that polio eradication is the path to ending polio for good.”
Coronado Rotary End Polio Now co-chairs Sue Maack and Pat Flynn announced that $51,000 has been raised at the recent Rotary Wine Tasting to End PolioNow fundraiser. That amount will receive a 2 to 1 match from the Gates Foundation (totaling $153,000). Coronado Rotary is hoping to increase donations for this worthy cause by the end of the year. All additional donations will receive the 2 for 1 Gates Foundation match, and all donations are tax deductible.

Rotary International is committed to raising $50 million a year for the next three years, with every dollar to be matched with two additional dollars from the Gates Foundation. Therefore, $150 million from Rotary will turn into $450 million for polio eradication. In addition, 27 countries, organizations, companies, and individuals pledged $1.3 billion. This critical funding helps ensure countries around the world remain polio-free and that polio is ended in the remaining three endemic countries: Afghanistan, Nigeria, and Pakistan. We are very, very close to a successful conclusion to the worldwide fight against this debilitating disease.
To donate to the tax deductible Rotary End Polio Now campaign, go to the website and click the End Polio Now button on the right hand side. For more information, please contact Jaimie Centeno at 619-435-8334.
Bono’s message to the world about Rotary International and efforts to eradicate polio:
How Rotary is Funding Polio Immunization in 2017: