Tuesday, March 18, 2025

An Open Letter to the Public over Recent Concerns

Dear Friends:

Many of our supporters have contacted us with concerns over the ringworm outbreak at the Coronado Animal Care Facility. Unfortunately, we have become aware that many people have received inaccurate information regarding the situation. Here are the true facts:

The Coronado Animal Care Facility (ACF) is operated and managed by the Coronado Police Department (CPD). PAWS is a separate, private, charitable 501(c)(3) organization which only handles the adoption of Coronado animals which find their way into the ACF and only after the CPD clears those animals for a new home to be found.

Paws has NO input as to the management, staffing or maintenance of the Animal Care Facility, nor the medical diagnosis or treatment of the animals until they are released…on paper only…to us to proceed with the adoption process. Until adoption papers are signed by the new forever parents, the animals are and remain the wards of the Coronado Police Department and all decisions regarding their ultimate health and welfare remain with the CPD.

After meeting with the Coronado Police Department regarding the seeming inability of the ringworm outbreak to be controlled, PAWS made the commitment to the entire community to have ALL of the animals currently housed in the Animal Care Facility removed to safe locations. PAWS has pledged both the finances and the manpower necessary to have ALL of those animals re-housed while the Coronado Police Department undertakes the cleaning and sterilization of their Animal Care Facility. Until that cleaning and sterilization is fully accomplished, PAWS will care for ALL of the animals, including all ringworm positive animals being medically treated, again at PAWS’ expense, until they are returned to full health.

We understand the public’s frustration, completely. It is PAWS and its volunteers who are on the front lines of this horrible situation, working toward its resolution for the benefit of the animals. However, we hope that this frustration might be channeled into assistance for these innocent creatures rather than simply criticism of the Coronado Police Department and the Animal Care Facility staff.

Would you foster either a ringworm positive or negative dog or cat? Would you ask your friends and family to do the same? Can you make a financial contribution to PAWS to help offset this enormous financial undertaking? Would you ask your friends and family to do the same? Will you attend one of our public events or fundraisers? Through these events, we hope to raise awareness and support within the community and find the additional fosters needed to help the animals at this critical time.

Thank you all for caring so deeply about the animals. At the end of the day, all that matters to you and PAWS is that these wonderful cats and dogs are safe and sound, and on their way to forever homes. And, with your help, those forever homes will get closer every day.

Karen Dwinell, President


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PAWS of Coronado
PAWS of Coronadohttp://www.pawsofcoronado.org
PAWS of Coronado was established in 2003. PAWS manages the Coronado Animal Care Facility and cares for the orphaned cats and dogs of Coronado while they find them their forever homes.

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