Sunday, March 9, 2025

Zonie Apocalypse? Thoughts on Summer Visitors from Arizona

From the zombie infested universe of Zombieland to the violent snowstorm from The Day After Tomorrow, it would seem that the general public has always been obsessed with what exactly will bring about the end of the world. But ask any resident of Coronado how that applies to ‘summer on the island‘ and they may already have on answer in mind: ‘Zonies.

For years the multitude of visitors from Arizona coming to Coronado during the summer has caused more than a few locals to grumble. The beaches, parks and restaurants on the island are not immune from Grand Canyon State visitors; going to any of these amenities during the months of June, July and August, one may find more than a few crowds or standing in long lines.

But is the ‘Zonie invasion all bad?

While these ‘Coronado Problems’ may annoy some natives into believing we’d be better off without the Arizona tourists, examining the pro’s to having them in Coronado is essential. During the off-seasons of Fall and Winter, Coronado business are able to stay open for the locals in part thanks to the money made during those well-trafficked Summer months. Cori Hutchinson, who works at a local business at the Ferry Landing, agrees that many more customers, often from Arizona, are helpful to local business.

Further, tourism is a major part in keeping the town well funded, clean and welcoming to outsiders and natives alike; Coronado’s 2012-2013 budget plan outlined that $9.1 million dollars are raised for the city on hotel taxes alone.

The seasonal tourists from Arizona are just one small part of what makes Coronado, Coronado, and in my opinion, we’re lucky to have them here.

From an perspective, we appreciate the hundreds of Coronado-loving ‘Zonies that are members of this website and would love to hear their feedback.

This photo of the crowded beach by the Del was taken by user schindlersgirl, an member from Arizona.

What are your thoughts on ‘Zonies escaping the AZ heat to enjoy their time in Coronado?


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