Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Police Blotter Feb. 19 – Mar. 3: Arrest on Orange Ave for Burglary, Identity Theft, and Fraud

Thank you to the Coronado Police Department for making this information available to the public. This is a partial list:

Stolen Vehicle
1500 block of 1st Street
Value: $5,500
Between 2-22 and 2-24

Burglary Second Degree Felony
McCain Blvd
detention only, white female age 17

Burglary – 8 charges
Identity Theft
Access Card Fraud
700 block of Orange Ave
suspect arrested, hispanic female from Coronado

Possession of Controlled Substance – Felony
Possession of Controlled Substance Paraphernalia – Misdemeanor
Misdemeanor Bench Warrant – Misdemeanor
400 block of B Ave
suspect arrested, white male age 36 transient

Obtain money under false pretenses
400 block of E Ave
black adult male and black adult female posed as magazine salespeople and sold a subscrition for $114

Violence Related

Report of Domestic Violence
500 block of Pomona Ave
no physical contact, verbal argument
2-24 and 2-25

Battery on Spouse or Cohabitant
1100 block of 3rd Street
Physical altercation while driving

Criminal Threats
500 block of F Ave
note left in victim’s office threatening life

Battery on spouse or cohabitant
Green Turtle
husband pushed wife off bed and wife hit her head

Battery on spouse or cohabitant- misdemeanor
500 block of J Ave
suspect taken to Juvenile Hall, white female age 15

Battery on spouse or cohabitant
verbal argument between two, one scratched the other, then the other pushed and one fell to the floor and knocked over several items


Petty Theft
600 block of D Ave
backpack stolen from classroom
Value: $671

Petty Theft
600 block of D Ave
iPod stolen from backpack
Value: $265

Petty Theft
200 block of Soledad
currency stolen from victim’s backpack
Value: $860

Grand Theft
100 block of Orange Ave
bicycles stolen from locked parking area
Value: $2,010
Between 2-18 and 2-19

Grand Theft
600 block of D Ave
music composing program stolen from classroom
Value: $1,200
Between 5-1 and 11-1

Petty Theft
500 block of J Ave
clothing stolen from vehilce
Value: $245
Between 2-16 and 2-17

Grand Theft
300 block of J Ave

3 bikes stolen
Value: $2,100

Petty Theft
800 block of Strand Way
bicycle and lock stolen
Value: $310

Petty Theft
800 block of 10th St
items taken from vehilce
Value: $108
Between 2-16 and 2-17

Alcohol Related

DUI Alcohol Death Causing Bodily Injury Felony
Hit and Run Death or Injury Felony
1100 block of 2nd Street
suspect arrested, white male age 36 from Coronado
2-25 at 20:48

DUI alcohol Misdemeanor
1300 block of Orange Ave

suspect arrested, white female age 29 from San Diego

DUI Alcohol Misdemeanor
300 Pomona Ave
Cited and Released, white female age 18 from Los Angeles

Disorderly Conduct Alcohol Misdemeanor
500 block of Orange Ave
suspect taken to detox, white male age 34 from Coronado

Vandalism – Misdemeanor
300 block of Orange Ave
unknown suspects opened fumigation tent at apartment, police were unable to enter due to poison present, unsure if burglary occurred


All information for the weekly police blotter is provided by the Coronado Police Department in the weekly press log. The information is gathered and organized into a weekly report provided by This is not a representation of all crimes that occur in Coronado. Some crimes may not be included in the report for various reasons. View reasons a crime may not be included in the weekly police blotter.


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