Thank you to the Coronado Police Department for making this information available to the public. This is a partial list:
Possess narcotic controlled substance- Felony
Outside warrant- felony
800 block of Orange Ave
Suspect arrested, white female age 29, transient
9-24 at 14:01
Alcohol related charges
Public Intoxication
700 block of Orange Ave
suspect arrested, white male age 56, transient
9-18 at 12:50
Disorderly conduct: alcohol misdemeanor
700 block of 4th St
suspect arrested, Hispanic female age 29 from Lompac, CA
Grand Theft
700 block of B Ave
Victim reported an unknown subject took mountain bike from front yard
Value: $4,000
Between 9-26 and 9-27
Petty Theft
800 block of Orange Ave
unknown subject was observed taking a bottle of vodka from the liquor store, when the employee of the store saw the subject leaving the store with the bottle he called out to the suspect who fled the area on foot
9-27 at 20:55
Malicious Mischief/Vandalism Misdemeanor
900 block of Ocean Blvd
Unknown suspect(s) used some type of black marker to write graffiti on a concrete bench near public sidewalk
Between 9-23 and 9-24
Traffic Collision
100 block of Orange Ave
sideswipe collision with two parked motor vehicles when turning
one vehicle towed from the scene
driver suffered laceration to forehead, minor abrasions to right elbow and was transported
Broadside collision
Driver had complaint of back pain and minor abrasions to left forearm and was transported to sharp Coronado hospital
3rd St near H Alley
sideswipe collision then turning
one vehicle towed from the scene
Coronado Cays Blvd
Sideswipe collision with bicyclist when proceeding straight
Bicyclist suffered bruise on left calf and a scrape above the left ankle
Rear-end collision
Driver suffered stiffness in neck but refused medical evaluation
Passenger had complaint of pain to neck but refused evaluation by paramedics
Overturned vehicle in sand and ice plant embankment
Driver suffered minor abrasions to both knees and was transported
Vehicle was towed from the scene
Broadside collision with bicyclist
Bicyclist suffered abrasions on left forearm, laceration on both knees
All information for the weekly police blotter is provided by the Coronado Police Department in the weekly press log. The information is gathered and organized into a weekly report provided by This is not a representation of all crimes that occur in Coronado. Some crimes may not be included in the report for various reasons. View reasons a crime may not be included in the weekly police blotter.