Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Coronado Book Fair Carnival Raises Over $12,000 in Scholastic Dollars

Book Fair Carnival, our final book fair of the year, was a brilliant success! Lavish support was received from parents, families and friends, whose shopping generated exceptional results for our school library, as well as for our teachers’ classroom libraries. Total sales for the event rang in at $18,277.88! This translates into over $12,000.00 in Scholastic Dollars! With out you our library can not exist, so we are extending a BIG THANK YOU in helping us support our wonderful library and our awesome teachers!

Book Fair Carnival would not have been possible without all our super special volunteers that gave so generously of their precious time and talents throughout the week. Whether you helped set-up, take-down, brought food, or worked the register, we could not have done it without you. You receive our biggest thanks and sincere appreciation:

A very special thanks to our librarian Andrea McGloin for all of your dedication and hard work! An extra thank you to our front office staff, Sue and Doris, for their help with all the details. Thanks as well to the student volunteers that happily unpacked boxes, moved tables, bagged books, face painted, mask decorated and delivered those great PA announcements, their energy was contagious! Last but not least, thank you to Mr. Bevilacqua and Ms. Zaher for facilitating all of our scheduling needs, emails to parents and broadcasting the PA announcements!

The grandest appreciation goes out to Erin Downey, Wendy Carlson, Julie Ruef and Debbie McBride for making everything come together and run smoothly. We would not have realized such a successful book fair without you! A special send off to Erin Downey who has worked tirelessly and has been the ultimate best in bringing in those wonderful volunteers for over SIX years of book fairs! She’s off to middle school and will be missed at Village! We look forward to seeing you all at our next book fair in December!

Robin Sacks – Book Fair Chair


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