City Council, City of Coronado
1825 Strand Way, Coronado, CA
July 8, 2010 3 pm
1. Roll Call
2. Closed Session
Closed Session – Conference with legal counsel: Anticipated Litigation
Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 54956.9
One (1) potential case
3. COMMUNICATIONS ORAL: Each person wishing to speak before the City Council on only matters listed on this agenda shall approach the City Council, give their name, and limit the presentation to 3 minutes.
4. City Council Business
a. Adoption of a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Coronado, California
Reciting the Fact of the Special Municipal Election Held on June 8, 2010
Declaring the result and such other matters as provided by law. (Pg. 01)
b. Provide Staff Direction on the State Route 75/282 Transportation Corridor Project
Given the Results of Proposition H on the June 8, 2010, Special Election (Pg07)