Monday, March 3, 2025

Police Blotter September 8-15

Police Blotter September 8- September 12 (information obtained from Coronado Police Department) – 2 traffic collisions – 4 bikes stolen Arrests • 9/8: Male 30 year old DUI for .08% (NAS) • 9/8: Male 22 year old outside warrant/felony (900 block Orange Ave.) • 9/8: Male 25 outside warrant/misdemeanor (1st and D Ave) • 9/9: Male 22 years old burglary/second degree/felony & make/pass fictitious check & possess narcotic controlled substance (1200 block 1st St.) • 9/10: Female 25 burglary/ second degree (NAS NEX) • 9/12: Male 18 years old DUI & under influence of controlled substance/misdemeanor (1800 Ave. Lunar) • 9/12: Male 21 years old DUI & possess marijuana 10z. or less while driving (1200 Churchill Pl.) • 9/13: Male 39 years old drunk protective custody (900 6th St.) • 9/13 Male 39 years old drunk and disorderly conduct (500 E Ave.) Crime • 8/31 False impersonation where and unknown suspect used credit card to make a purchase at Guitar Center for $2451. • 9/8 Report of domestic violence where husband and wife had verbal argument. Wife left the house with the children while the husband was gone. Husband came back and started looking for wife and children. • 9/8 Grand Theft at Glorietta Bay Inn. Suspect checked into hotel and had assistance from other suspects in removing 3 TV’s and 3 DVD players from hotel suite undetected. Suspect left without checking out. • 9/10 Malicious mischief/vandalism where unknown suspect slashed front tire of victim’s car and fled scene unobserved. • 9/8-9/10 Grand theft where unknown suspect took diamond solitaire ring from hospice patient an fled scene undetected. • 9/12 Victim ordered a massage on Craigslist. Female masseuse gave massage and while victim was in shower she left the apartment. When he got out of shower his watch, call phone and cash were missing ($3400 loss). Victim believes masseuse stole his property.


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