Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Coronado Crime Report: Vandalism, Burglary, Felony DUI

The information below is provided by the Coronado Police Department and summarized for publication. The report covers Sept. 7 to Sept. 13.


Felony driving under the influence
Sept. 8: A 21-year-old man was arrested on felony charges. DUIs can be charged as either felonies or misdemeanors in California. Generally, a felony charge arises when a person has had four DUIs in 10 years, has a past felony DUI, was involved in a DUI causing injury, or had a minor in the car.

Out-of-jurisdiction warrant
Sept. 8: A 40-year-old woman was cited on felony charges related to an out-of-jurisdiction warrant.

Driving with a suspended license or insurance
Sept. 10: A 38-year-old man was arrested on misdemeanor charges for driving with a license that had been suspended or revoked and driving without insurance.

Violation of a restraining order
Sept. 11: A 36-year-old woman was arrested on misdemeanor charges for violating a restraining order.

Sept. 13: A 47-year-old man was cited on an infraction.

Incidents Reported:

September 7

  • Reckless driving (3 incidents)
  • Battery report
  • Welfare check (2 incidents)
  • Fire in structure or vehicle
  • General disturbance
  • Noise disturbance (2 incidents)
  • Hit and run, no injuries

September 8

  • Traffic accident, unknown injuries
  • Noise disturbance (2 incidents)
  • Suspicious vehicle
  • General disturbance (3 incidents)
  • Grand theft report
  • Reckless driving
  • Traffic accident, no injuries
  • Hit and run, no injuries
  • Welfare check (2 incidents)

September 9

  • Traffic accident, no injuries (5 incidents)
  • Suspicious vehicle
  • Welfare check (3 incidents)
  • Grand theft report
  • Temporary restraining order violation
  • Child molestation report
  • Indecent exposure
  • General disturbance (4 incidents)
  • Hit and run, no injuries
  • Reckless driving

September 10

  • Suspicious vehicle
  • Reckless driving (2 incidents)
  • General disturbance (2 incidents)
  • Traffic accident, no injuries
  • Burglary, happening now
  • Welfare check
  • Vandalism report
  • Traffic accident, minor injury
  • Petit theft report

September 11

  • Welfare check (2 incidents)
  • Forgery/fraud report
  • Reckless driving (3 incidents)
  • Traffic accident, no injury (2 incidents)
  • Grand theft report (2 incidents)
  • Hit and run, no injuries
  • Temporary restraining order violation report
  • Vandalism
  • Noise disturbance
  • Hit and run, no injuries
  • Suspicious vehicle

September 12

  • Elder abuse report
  • Stolen vehicle report
  • Vandalism report
  • Hit and run, no injuries
  • Welfare check
  • Petit theft report (2 incidents)
  • Grand theft report
  • Trespassing
  • Battery, just occurred
  • Reckless driving (2 incidents)

September 13

  • Suspicious vehicle (2 incidents)
  • Indecent exposure, happening now
  • Temporary restraining order violation report
  • Noise disturbance
  • Traffic accident, no injuries
  • Reckless driving

Coronado Times Staff
Coronado Times Staff
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