Heavy rain and windstorms are expected this weekend from Tropical Storm Hilary. Coronado city crews are preparing ahead of the rain, and residents can prepare too if they need sandbags.
Free sandbags are located at: First Street and Alameda; Fourth Street and Alameda; North Beach; and the Cays, across from the Fire Station. There is a shortage of sandbags across San Diego County, and the sandbags are limited and first-come, first-serve.
Additionally, for public safety reasons related the storm event, the Coronado Promenade Concerts Board has canceled this week’s concert (The Zippers) and will be posting more information on their social media. There will not be a Concert in the Park this Sunday, August 20.
City Public Services crews and Emergency Services will be monitoring the storm and checking our roads throughout the storm.
Some tips to prepare for the storm and keep your family safe
- Monitor the National Weather Service or local media for information about when severe weather will affect your community.
- During the storm, avoid driving unless it is necessary. If you must drive, do not drive through standing water. ‘Turn around, don’t drown.’ Don’t drive around barriers.
- Prepare a disaster plan for your family. Visit www.alertsandiego.org for a guide to preparing a disaster plan.
- Create a go-kit in case your family needs to evacuate. Consider water for each person in your family, food, a first aid kit, important documents, prescription medications, a radio and a flashlight. Your emergency kit with essential supplies should sustain you, your family, and your pets for a minimum of 72 hours. Everyone has different needs, visit www.alertsandiego.org for other ideas. Visit readysandiego.org for a list of some basic items that every emergency kit should include.
- Move furniture to higher floors of your home.
- Bring anything outside that can be blown away indoors.
- Flash flooding is possible across the region, with rare and dangerous flooding possible across the mountains and deserts.