Study Part Of Debate Whether To Keep Or Disband Redevelopment Agencies
CORONADO, Calif. — A redevelopment district in the city of Coronado will come under scrutiny as part of a state study into whether such agencies are effective or should be disbanded, it was announced Monday.
The state Controller’s Office announced that 18 areas will be studied as part of the debate over whether redevelopment agencies should be abolished, as proposed by Gov. Jerry Brown.
Redevelopment agencies take some of the tax revenue generated by their projects to fund future construction. The governor wants to phase them out so the money goes to the general funds of financially strapped local governments.
“The heated debate over whether (redevelopment agencies) are the engines of local economic and job growth or are simply scams providing windfalls to political cronies at the expense of public services has largely been based on anecdotal evidence,” Controller John Chiang said.
Read the entire story here.