Friday, March 28, 2025

Police Blotter June 4 – June 10: Vehicle Reported Stolen on J Ave

Thank you to the Coronado Police Department for making this information available to the public.

This is a partial list.

Crimes Reported

Petty Theft
Locked bicycle reported stolen from school area. ($400 estimated loss)
600 block of D Avenue
5-3 to 6-3

Petty Theft
Locked bicycle reported stolen from residential area. ($500 estimated loss)
1200 block of Ninth Street
5-8 to 5-9

Petty Theft
Two unlocked bicycles reported stolen from a residential area. ($400 estimated loss)
1500 block of First Street
5-10 to 5-12

Grand Theft/Unspecified
Unknown suspect(s) entered the victim’s unlocked vehicle and take the victim’s purse, gym bag, and brief case containing her computer. ($3,332 estimated loss)
Bridgetown Bend

Victim reported two cameras, iPod, and other items missing from her residence. ($2357 estimated loss)
800 block of F Avenue
5-22 to 6-3

Unknown suspect(s) entered the victim’s unlocked residence and took a camera bag, camera equipment, and a leather jacket. ($4,842 estimated loss)
600 block of Blue Anchor Cay Road
5-24 to 5-26

Petty Theft
Unknown suspect(s) removed the victim’s table and chair from a public area in the victim’s apartment complex. ($70 estimated loss)
900 block of E Ave
5-30 to 5-13

Petty Theft
Unknown suspect(s) stole the victim’s unlocked bicycle from a school area. (Estimated loss $75)
500 block of F Avenue
5-31 to 6-1

Petty Theft
Unknown suspect(s) removed the catalytic converter from the victim’s truck. (Estimated loss $150)
200 block of G Avenue
5-30 to 6-4

Petty Theft
Locked bicycle was reported stolen from a hotel area. ($300 estimated loss)
1500 block of Orange Avenue

Petty Theft
Unknown suspects stole the victim’s cell phone from her garage during her garage sale. ($110 estimate loss)
400 block of A Avenue

Burglary/Second Degree
Unknown suspect accessed the victim’s vehicle where it was parked in the alley behind a residence, ransacked it, and stole approximately $28 in quarters.
100 block of Orange Avenue
6-1 to 6-2

Malicious Mischief/Vandalism (Misdemeanor)
Unknown suspect accessed the victim’s locked vehicle where it was parked in the alley behind a residence, ransacked it, and damaged the radio console. Nothing appeared to be stolen.
100 block of D Avenue

Petty Theft
Unknown suspect(s) cut the cable lock off of a bicycle secured to a bike rack in a hotel area. ($400 estimated loss)
1500 block of Orange Avenue

Petty Theft
Unknown suspect(s) cut the cable lock off of a bicycle that was secured to a fence in a school area. ($300 estimated loss)
Seventh Street and E/F Avenue

Stolen Vehicle
2008 Toyota Highlander was reportedly last seen parked at a residence on the night of 6-3, and was reported missing from that residence on the morning of 6-4.
800 block of J Avenue


Drunk, Protective Custody (Detention Only)
28 year old white female, resident of Frisco, Texas
200 block of Orange Avenue

Drunk, Protective Custody
23 year old white male, resident of Coronado
200 block of Orange Avenue

Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol and/or Drugs – Misdemeanor; DUI Alcohol 0.08% – Misdemeanor; Unlawful for Minor to Drive with 0.05% Blood Alcohol – Misdemeanor
20 year old white female, resident of Bonita
300 block of Glorietta Bay

Disorderly Conduct: Alcohol – Misdemeanor
35 year old white male, resident of Coronado
1000 block of First Street

Driving Under Influence of Alcohol or Drugs; DUI Alcohol 0.08%
27 year old Hispanic female, resident of Spring Valley
2500 block of Silver Strand Boulevard

Disorderly Conduct: Drugs or Drugs with Alcohol – Misdemeanor
57 year old white male, transient
900 block of Orange Avenue

Assault with a Deadly Weapon other than Firearm or Great Bodily Injury Force
31 year old white male, resident of San Diego
200 block of Ocean Boulevard

Disorderly Conduct: Alcohol – Misdemeanor
18 year old Hispanic male, resident of Chula Vista
600 block of Tenth Street

Drunk, Protective Custody – Misdemeanor
24 year old white male, resident of Del Mar
1000 block of Fifth Street

Disorderly Conduct
21 year old black male
900 block of Orange Avenue

Grand Theft
57 year old white male, transient
800 block of Orange Avenue

Traffic Collisions

Side swipe collision, hit and run misdemeanor
Two cars and two motorcycles involved, no injuries reported
Fourth Street at J Avenue

Broadside collision
One car and one motorcycle involved, no injuries reported
Fourth Street and Palm Avenue

Broadside collision
Two cars involved, two injuries reported and treated at the scene
Fourth Street and C Avenue

Broadside collision
Two cars involved, one injury reported, medical attention refused
Fourth Street and A Avenue

Rear end collision
Two cars and one motorcycle involved, four injuries reported, transported to hospital
3500 block of SR-75

Broadside collsion
Two vehicles involved, one injury reported, trasported to hospital
Fourth Street and I Avenue

Broadside collision
One car and one motorcycle involved, one injury reported, treated at the scene
Orange Avenue and Fifth Street

Rear end collision
Three cars involved, no injuries reported
Third Street at Orange Ave

Broadside collision
Three cars involved, no injuries reported
Fourth Street and B Avenue


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Managing Editor
Managing Editor
Originally from upstate New York, Dani Schwartz has lived in Coronado since 1996. She is happy to call Coronado home and to have raised her children here. In her free time she enjoys reading, exercising, trying new restaurants, and just walking her dog around the "island." Have news to share? Send tips or story ideas to:

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