Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Islander Girls Golf Match Recap: Swinging Into the 2023 Season

2023 Islander Girls Varsity Golf Team from left to right: Bella Villarin, Elleaire Lyons, Ines Izuzquiza, Kylie Peterson, Dhara Jost, Coach Stuart Gordon, Andi Socconini, Caroline Timmons. (Not pictured: Emily Scheurer and Maria Aramburo)

This fall, the Islander Girls Varsity Golf Team welcomes back seniors Ines Izuzquiza, Bella Villarin, and Emily Scheurer, who are all looking forward to finishing their high school careers strong. Sophomore Elleaire Lyons is also returning and continues to prove that the future of the Islander team is bright. Fellow sophomores Dhara Jost and Kylie Peterson have made the transition from Junior Varsity to Varsity this year, and are bright young pupils of the game as they gain experience under the captain leadership of Ines and Bella. The Islanders also welcomed three brand new players to the game: freshmen Caroline Timmons and Andi Socconini along with senior Maria Aramburo

The Islanders’ first match of the season was held at the Bernardo Heights Country Club against one of their strongest competitors in San Diego: the Rancho Bernardo Broncos. Ines, a key player on the team, was absent from the match. It was also both Dhara and Kylie’s first time playing the course. Despite the odds, the Islanders battled it out against blind approach shots and tricky pin placements. Due to the recent Hurricane Hilary, there were noticeable sandy patches on the greens and in the fairways, and the bunkers were also rock-solid.

Villarin was medalist of the match with a round of two-over par 38. Lyons followed with a 44. Scheurer scored a 55 and Jost carded a 56. Peterson rounded out the team with a 72. Although it wasn’t the Islanders’ best performance, every score counted since only five girls played.

Sophomore Kylie Peterson taps in a putt on the par-four third hole at Coronado Golf Course.

High school golf, similar to collegiate golf, requires a team to have at least five players in a match. Ideally, six members will play and the group will take the best five, so there is a little leeway for error. In the Islanders’ case, they struggled to put six players on the course and had to count every score towards their cumulative total of 265. Although the girls suffered a tough loss to Rancho Bernardo 197-265, it was only the first match of the season and there were plenty more opportunities for Coronado to prove its ranking among the best schools in San Diego. 

The Islanders held their first home match on August 29 against Rancho Bernardo. Back on home turf with six players participating, the girls were looking forward to clinching the win.

Senior Bella Villarin tees off on the par-three ninth hole at Coronado Golf Course. She medaled in all three matches this past week.

Villarin was medalist with a round of one-over par 37. Lyons recorded her best nine-hole score of her high school career so far: three-over par 39. As a sophomore stepping up to the plate and shooting in the 30s, Lyons is an example of the bright future of the Islander team. Izuzquiza carded a 40; it wasn’t her best performance, but she was just warming up as the season began. Jost shot a 49, also her low round of her high school career so far. Jost improved by seven strokes from the previous match, not an easy feat to accomplish. Peterson reduced her previous match’s score by a whopping 16 strokes to card a 56 on the front nine. 

Sophomore Elleaire Lyons carded her lowest round of her high school season so far: three-over par 39. She will continue to be an instrumental member of the team for years to come.

The Islanders were narrowly defeated by just ten strokes 211-221. Just shaving off a stroke here or there by avoiding a bunker or three-putting, the Islanders have the potential to be right in the mix to win their next match. The team took these learning lessons in stride and prepared for their next home match against Torrey Pines, currently the number one ranked team in San Diego. 

Freshman Andi Socconini tees off on the par-four seventh hole at Coronado Golf Course. Although she is new to the team this year, Andi is looking forward to making strides and fulfilling her potential.

Villarin was medalist with a round of one-under par 35, her best for the season yet. Izuzquiza shot a 41 and Lyons a 43. Jost proved her consistency and carded a 50. Peterson rounded out the Islanders with a 60. 

Sophomore Dhara Jost tees off on the par-four sixth hole at Coronado Golf Course. She was extremely consistent this past week in scoring and looks forward to continuing her success.

Luckily for the Islanders, they are still competing in nonleague matches, which allows the girls to gain experience and course knowledge in these early-season rounds. The younger members will no doubt continue to improve and shoot lower as the season progresses, but for now they’re taking it one day at a time.

Freshman Caroline Timmons tees off on the par-four first hole at Coronado Golf Course. Despite being brand new to the game, Caroline is improving drastically and is committed to the team.

With a team differential of 39.65, Coronado is currently ranked 13th out of 40 schools in the San Diego section. With an individual differential of 0.23, Villarin is currently ranked 5th in San Diego and Ines is ranked 30th with a differential of 3.77. 

Senior Ines Izuzquiza is currently ranked 30th in San Diego County. Although she is just getting started with the season, she will continue to be a force to be with reckoned with.

This week, the Islanders have three matches. They will play against Canyon Crest Academy on Tuesday at the Lomas Santa Fe Country Club. On Wednesday, the girls will compete against Cathedral Catholic High School at Rancho Santa Fe Country Club. And on Thursday, the Islanders will have a rematch against Canyon Crest at home. 

Find CIF San Diego Section Girls Golf results here.

Find Coronado team and individual player results here

Bella Villarin
Bella Villarin
Bella is a proud military brat who has been a resident of Coronado since 2015. She was born in Japan, and after a short stay in Virginia, traveled extensively throughout Asia while living in Singapore and picking up another language. A senior at Coronado High School, Bella can be found at the driving range or golf course when not in school, studying, writing, playing the guitar, or spending time with her family. Have news to share? Send tips, story ideas or letters to the editor to: [email protected]

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