Looking for a FUN event to participate in while raising money for a great cause? Look no further! Coronado Cays Yacht Club, Navy Yacht Club and the Coronado Yacht Club are partnering in support of the 14th annual Make-A-Wish® San Diego fundraiser – the Amazing Race for Children’s Wishes.
The event will be held at Coronado Cays Yacht Club (CCYC) and is open to the public; everyone is welcome to build a bike team, join an electric boat team, or attend the auction to support this great cause. The goal this year is to raise $100,000 and community participation is needed to make that happen. There are multiple ways to participate in the fundraising including registering your Bike Team or Boat Team or simply donating to your favorite team. The goal is to have at least 20 bike/boat teams participating in this fun-filled event as well as volunteers, silent/live auction donations and Financial Sponsors.
Bike Teams are asked to raise $250/person and Boat Teams are asked to raise $100/person. Team prizes and awards include Bike and Boat Team Challenge Winners, Most Money Raised and Best Dressed (each team is encouraged to dress in their self-proclaimed theme/costume).
The event is an energy-filled day where bike riders (teams of ten) and boaters (typically teams of 6-8 people) compete in friendly challenges while raising money for Make-A-Wish® San Diego. Participants follow clues, either by bike or boat, through the neighborhood or water channels of the Cays to solve fun-filled challenges at each location. A luncheon will be held at CCYC including raffle prizes, silent/live auction items, music and inspirational speakers.
Make-A-Wish® San Diego grants wishes to children diagnosed with critical illnesses in our community. There are currently over 300 local children in the process of receiving a wish and every dollar raised helps make their wishes come true. For children who are battling a critical illness, a wish can give them and their families a chance to believe that anything is possible. In many cases, doctors use wishes as part of the treatment plan and research has shown that wishes have proven physical and emotional benefits that may give children with critical illnesses a higher chance of survival.

Visit the website – The 14th Annual Amazing Race For Children’s Wishes: Learn More – Make-A-Wish Foundation – to register, sponsor the event, or to learn more about the Amazing Race for Children’s Wishes and join in raising funds to make wishes come true!