Sunday, March 23, 2025

IBWC Citizens Forum Board Includes Coronado Councilmember, Meeting Set for July 12

Commissioner Maria Elena Giner of the United States Section of the International Boundary and Water Commission (USIBWC) has appointed 10 community leaders to serve on the San Diego Citizens Forum Board. The purpose of the Citizens Forum is to promote the exchange of information between the USIBWC and the public about Commission projects and related activities.

“This new board has a wealth of experience in boundary and water issues. They are well qualified to help the Commission serve the community along the U.S.-Mexico border by sharing their knowledge and ideas. I thank them for volunteering,” said Commissioner Giner.

The new board members are:

  • Leon Benham, Citizens for Coastal Conservancy
  • Dan Denham, San Diego Water Authority
  • John Duncan, Councilmember, City of Coronado
  • Richard Kiy, Institute of the Americas
  • Patrick Brian McNeece, volunteer trail guide, Mission Trails Regional Park (San Diego)
  • Carl Nettleton, Open Oceans Global
  • Oscar Alberto Pombo, Border Communities for a Healthy Environment
  • Mary Johnson Powell, Tijuana River Valley Equestrian Association
  • Edward Spriggs, former city councilmember, Imperial Beach
  • John Zarem, lead volunteer, Tijuana Estuary and San Diego South Bay National Wildlife Refuges

The first public meeting with the new board will be in person and take place on Wednesday, July 12th from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm at the Coronado Community Center’s Triton Room, 1845 Strand Way.

Morgan Rogers of the USIBWC will present an overview of Commission activities in the San Diego region, including boundary demarcation and maintenance of boundary monuments, wastewater treatment, and other water management responsibilities. Oscar Romo of Alter Terra will give a presentation on his proposed trash boom across the Tijuana River.

The public meeting will also be held virtually. To join the Microsoft Teams meeting, go to: Click on the “Join” button. If you do not have Teams installed on your device, the program will work on any internet browser. It may be helpful for you to test connectivity, prior to the meeting by clicking on the “Join” link and ensuring your camera and microphone are functioning. Or join by phone: 915-320-4718 | Conference ID: 986 202 518#

For those connecting via phone, the presentations will be available before the start of the meeting. Visit the San Diego Citizens Forum page and look for the links for the July 12, 2023 meeting.

For more information or if you would like to speak during the public comment period, please sign up ahead of time by contacting Leslie Grijalva at [email protected] or 915-832-4770 by noon on July 11.

Managing Editor
Managing Editor
Originally from upstate New York, Dani Schwartz has lived in Coronado since 1996. She is happy to call Coronado home and to have raised her children here. In her free time she enjoys reading, exercising, trying new restaurants, and just walking her dog around the "island." Have news to share? Send tips or story ideas to: [email protected]

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