Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Join the Coronado Chamber for the 37th Annual Salute to the Military Ball – April 15

Much of Coronado’s glimmering reputation as the Crown Jewel is due to its rich military history. From active-duty families to retired multi-generational service members, almost every home in Coronado has a direct link to the military.

History of the Event

The Coronado Chamber’s Salute to the Military began in 1985, when United States Navy Captain Ron Kennedy wanted to make a special effort to recognize active fleet military officers and their wives. The formal ball would take place at the iconic and historic Hotel del Coronado. Civilian and retired military Coronadans would host the active-duty couples, for a night of recognition, celebration, and camaraderie.

The Coronado Coordinating Committee had just been formed and the idea was put into reality. The incoming Coronado Chamber of Commerce President, Dennis McCormick, Hotel del Coronado General Manager Scott Anderson, as well as owner Larry Lawrence invested into the idea and the first Salute to the Military was hosted in 1985. USMC BGEN Ret. Ed Meyer had the original idea of a military recognition event, and CAPT Ron Brandquist of NAB invited the active-duty couples.

The Legacy Lives On

Today, three distinguished awards are presented. The Captain Harry T. Jenkins Memorial Award recognizes individuals who illustrate principles of courage, sacrifice, discipline, and faith. The Vice Admiral James and Sybil Stockdale award recognizes Navy couples who have demonstrated their leadership qualities both professionally and personally. The Vice Admiral Edward H. Martin award honors a current Coronado resident who has served in the military and exemplifies both service to country and community.

Thirty-seven years later, the tradition remains Coronado’s only grand event thanking our local military. Once again, Hilton Worldwide and the Hotel del Coronado are the Title sponsors. This year’s theme of the 2023 Salute to the Military Ball is “Homecoming: Reconnecting & Reuniting.” The black-tie affair will be held in the historic Crown Room on Saturday, April 15 beginning at 5:30 pm.

Event sponsorships, Host A Hero sponsorships and Wine sponsorships are still available. Please email [email protected] to show your support for our local military members with your sponsorship. Active-duty members contact your Coronado based tenant command for tickets. The Veteran sponsor is California American Water who generously supplements a limited number of discounted tickets for local veterans.

Please visit CoronadoChamber.com/salute-to-the-military for more information and to purchase tickets.

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