Monday, March 3, 2025

Orange Avenue Banner Program Open to Local Nonprofits – Application Deadline June 17

Coronado’s Orange Avenue Banner Program is accepting applications for local nonprofit organizations seeking to display banners during either the September 15 through Thanksgiving series or the January through March series. Initiated by the City in 2016, the program is entirely funded through a Discover Coronado Community Enhancement Grant.

Banners are displayed on the Orange Avenue corridor from First Street to Avenida de las Arenas. Visit to download the Orange Avenue Banner Policy documents and an application to be considered for the open banner series under the Opportunities Menu on the website.

The Discover Coronado grant funds the costs of production and installation of 30 sets of banners. Applying organizations must apply and provide camera ready art for consideration. The program is administered by the Coronado Cultural Arts Commission.

A Banner Committee, comprised of volunteers from the Cultural Arts Commission, Coronado MainStreet, Coronado Chamber of Commerce and Discover Coronado review and recommend to the City Council all banner designs and updates to the program.

Application deadline for consideration for the program in the fiscal year 2022-23 is June 17, 2022. Contact the City of Coronado for a pdf or hardcopy. For additional information or guidance on submitting a competitive application, please contact Kelly Purvis, Sr. Management Analyst, Arts and Culture [email protected] or 619-522-2633.




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