The San Diego County Registrar’s office reminds you that you can make voting decisions and complete your mail ballot for the Sept. 14 California Gubernatorial Recall Election in the comfort of your home.
The Registrar of Voters has mailed ballots to all active registered voters in San Diego County for the election. After marking your ballot, remember to sign and date your envelope, seal your completed ballot inside and return it to a trusted source. Voters can return their ballot in the mail, no postage necessary, or at one of the 131 mail ballot drop-off locations around the county, including at the Coronado Community Center and the Coronado Public Library.

Check ballot drop off locations’ hours of operation at before heading out.
“If you know how you want to vote, mark your ballot and return it to a trusted source right away,” said Interim Registrar Cynthia Paes. “The sooner we get your mail ballot back, the sooner we can start processing it. Your ballot can be in the first release of election night results if you act early.”
If you want to vote in person, that option is available too. Avoid long lines and take advantage of early voting. In-person voting locations will be open across the County for four days, Saturday, Sept. 11 through Monday, Sept. 13 from 8 am to 5 pm. Voters can also take advantage of early voting starting Aug. 16 at the Registrar’s office. Hours will run from 8 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday.
All voting locations, the in-person voting locations and the Registrar’s office, will again be open on Election Day, Sept. 14, from 7 am to 8 pm.
If you plan to drop off your mail ballot or vote in person, the county encourages you to wear a face covering, maintain a comfortable distance and avoid gathering in groups.
Voters who return their mail ballot through the U.S. Postal Service can track it by signing up for “Where’s My Ballot?”
To learn more about voting in the upcoming recall election, visit or call (858) 565-5800.