Tuesday, February 4, 2025

February Emerald Keepers of the Month Awarded to the City of Coronado

The City of Coronado has been making measurable contributions to reduce energy and greenhouse gas emissions. They are working toward implementing sustainable best practices.

During the past two years, the city has earned the Institute for Local Government’s Beacon Program’s Spotlight Award (Silver Level in 2019 and Gold Level in 2020) for actions in 10 areas of sustainability. Some actions celebrated by Emerald Keepers are listed below:

  • All new city buildings are required to be built to LEED silver status. LEED buildings include the animal care facility, tennis center, senior center, clubroom and boat house.
  • The city implemented mandatory green building code standards and construction and demolition ordinances. They also adopted a solar streamlining ordinance to standardize and simplify permitting procedures for residential solar systems.
  • Coronado has been designated as “Tree City USA” every year since 1984 and the Coronado Street Tree Master Plan includes plans to plant 50 new trees every year.
  • Glorietta Bay Marina is a designated “Clean Marina” and has adopted practices to prevent pollution.
  • Coronado has installed 14 Electric Vehicle Charging stations and purchased green vehicles and bicycles for commuting between buildings.
  • The city conducts bike safety educational outreach and safe routes to school program to promote safe biking. Coronado has been recognized as a Bicycle Friendly Community at the Silver Level.
  • The city is converting lighting in public facilities and buildings to LED lighting for an average electric savings of 50% to 70% per lamp. To date current facilities are 35% to 60% converted to LED.
  • Coronado provides a city-subsidized ferry service for pedestrians and bicyclists between the Coronado Ferry Landing and the Broadway Pier in San Diego. The free commuter ferry operates Monday through Friday during the morning commute with a free return trip.
  • The city has been recognized at the Silver Level under SANDAG iCommute’s Diamond Awards Program for its commuter incentive benefits.
  • The city operates a Waste Collection at Public Services on First Street for motor oil and used batteries. They also offer periodic ewaste recycling.
  • The city has a golf course water savings plan as well as turf reduction and a high efficiency irrigation system. The new computer system increases irrigation efficiency and has reduced water use by 20% for a savings of $175,000 in water and $10,000 in electricity.
  • Coronado is building a city-operated wastewater recycling plant on the golf course to be completed in 2022.
  • Coronado’s gas-powered leaf blower prohibition ordinance has converted all city equipment to battery power.
  • The city actively invites community members, organizations, and local agencies to participate in ongoing conversations in the development of their Climate Action Plan.
  • Mayor Richard Bailey officially designated the month of June as Emerald Green, Ocean Blue Month.

Additional notable actions include: installation of over a dozen water bottle refilling stations around town; elimination of single-use plastic water bottles at city council meetings; and Emerald Keepers messaging signs in Glorietta Bay Park, on the free shuttle, and soon on Center Beach. The city supports Emerald Keepers’ effort to educate the community through their Community Grant program and by displaying Emerald Keepers’ banners as part of the Orange Avenue Banner Program to promote sustainable practices for an Emerald Green, Ocean Blue Coronado.

“The City of Coronado strongly supports community partnerships to address environmental sustainability,” said City Manager, Blair King. “The City of Coronado takes pride in our efforts to adopt policies, implement programs, and embrace practices that pragmatically address environmental sustainability. We are fortunate to be surrounded by a wild fragile aquatic ecosystem that we embrace with respect and a desire to nurture.”

Congratulations to the City of Coronado for being the February Emerald Keeper of the Month!

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