Submitted by Sherry Hughes Richter
I’m writing in support of Nick Kato for Coronado School Board. As a product of Coronado schools and a member of a family who’s lived in Coronado for 54 years, I believe that Nick has what it takes to help guide our school district into the future.
We all know that everyone who’s running loves our town, our schools, and wants to do right by both. I believe that Nick’s education and background as a partner at KPMG would bring much-needed financial experience to our school board. We’re going through times that are unprecedented and we need someone with that experience to help navigate us through it.
I’ve been impressed with how Nick has jumped into the race with both feet; meeting with many leaders and parents in town to get a feel for the issues that are most important. He has shown wisdom, tenacity, and has asked thought-provoking questions. His assessment of our school district’s financial needs has been spot-on. I have been impressed with how he has handled some personal attacks by members of our community and has maintained a cheerful demeanor throughout.
I hope you will join me with many neighbors and friends in supporting his candidacy for Coronado School Board.
Sherry Hughes Richter