Wednesday, March 12, 2025

COVID-19 Update – Friday, April 24, 2020, County Reduces Restrictions on Ocean Waters

County Reduces Restrictions on Ocean Beaches, Ocean Waters

San Diego County officials, in cooperation with coastal cities, announced today that restrictions will be lifted in phases regarding access to ocean beaches and ocean waters.

As a result, beginning at sunrise on Monday, April 27, Coronado will open its beach to walking and running. Beachgoers may enter the water for swimming, kayaking, paddle boarding and other recreational water sports. However, people may not loiter, lay on the sand or gather in groups of any size at the beach. The beach will close at sunset.

Coronado’s Dog Beach and the nearby fire pits, as well as Sunset Park, will remain closed due to the difficulty visitors have had in adhering to social distancing requirements and the risk that places on public safety officials.

The City will begin removing yellow caution tape, barriers and signs — put in place to advise beachgoers of the beach’s closure — before it reopens on Monday. Additional signs will be placed at Dog Beach, and Coronado Police will step up patrols in the area to remind the community that both Dog Beach and the fire rings are closed.

Parking remains restricted around the beach and parks in Coronado, and now includes no parking on both sides of Ocean Boulevard. The bay was not included in the announcement, which means that the Glorietta Bay Boat Launch Ramp remains closed. Recreational boating remains prohibited at this time.

The Coronado Municipal Golf Course remains closed at this time. The City will open the Golf Course upon receiving clear guidance from the County allowing Coronado to do so.

On Wednesday, April 22, San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer announced plans for a phased reopening of coastal beaches once the region met certain county public health goals regarding COVID-19. The County announced that they had met the milestones necessary to reopen the beaches.

The countywide plan will be a multi-phase reopening across the region, beginning with the beaches. The next phase will include permitting activities that allow for social distancing, which is still required.

The County also announced that beginning Friday, May 1, that its public health order also will include mandatory use of face coverings when out in public and within six feet of others.

Promenade Concerts 2020 Canceled

The Promenade Concerts organizer has announced the cancellation of the 2020 summer concert series. Organizers say they are disappointed to have to cancel on this, the 50th anniversary of the popular concerts. If there is a safe way to have a concert or two in the early fall, they may explore the possibility.

Council OKs COVID-19 Testing

The City Council directed staff at its April 21 meeting to develop and implement a cost-neutral independent Coronado-centered community COVID-19 serology testing program in partnership with a health care provider and that staff collect pertinent aggregate data.

The testing program would be a convenient way to have residents, some of whom have expressed an interest in a local test, to take the test in Coronado. The FDA is expected to approve several rapid serology tests within the next several weeks.

Sharp Coronado Hospital has said it is willing to explore partnering with the City. Costs would be recovered via fees charged to those taking the test.

Read the full update here:


Managing Editor
Managing Editor
Originally from upstate New York, Dani Schwartz has lived in Coronado since 1996. She is happy to call Coronado home and to have raised her children here. In her free time she enjoys reading, exercising, trying new restaurants, and just walking her dog around the "island." Have news to share? Send tips or story ideas to: [email protected]

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