Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Football, Lightning, Rain and a New CHS King and Queen

There wasn’t much cheering for the Islanders, as Coronado fell behind 6-47 near the end of the second quarter. The game was ended early due to lightning.

It’s supposed to be Friday Night Lights, not Friday Night Lightning.  At the end of almost two quarters, the Coronado Islanders were losing to San Diego High School by a score of 6-47 when the rain came down and lightning lit up the sky.

Officials decided to stop the game after more lightning.  Onlookers were told to come into the CHS gym for the Homecoming crowning of king and queen.

Hundreds packed the gym both in the stands and sitting on the floor. Although unplanned, school officials did their best to make the ceremony a proper coronation.

Sasha Hofisi was crowned Homecoming queen and Cole Harrison was crowned king.

Click the below photos to enlarge them:

After the ceremony, it was announced that the game would not resume – a tough loss for the Islanders.  However, 2018 Homecoming will certainly be remembered for years to come!

Coronado Times Staff
Coronado Times Staff
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