Thursday, January 9, 2025

Brian Smock Dining Qualifications

Letters to the Editor submitted to The Coronado Times are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher, editors or writers of this publication. Submit letters to [email protected].

Submitted by Brian Smock

To the Residents of Coronado,

A great deal has been published in the local media recently regarding my qualifications to be awarded Coronado’s Municipal Golf Course Restaurant concession. Many of these media statements are incorrect – all of the ones I have read are misleading. To address the rumor mill buzz these have created, allow me to correct the record.

First, I am President and CEO of the entity which oversees the company bidding for the restaurant concession – Brian Smock Dining. My oversight role is shared with four other Coronado resident executives/owners who bring decades of hands-on restaurant leadership and management experience and expertise – including profit and loss restaurant experience serving as the government’s trusted agent to serve their constituents (a role essentially identical to the role the concessionaire will play for this City and its residents).

The 10 member restaurant leadership team we committed by name to the Restaurant Concession in our written proposal and in our oral presentations bring a total of:

  • 72 years of golf course restaurant experience and proven expertise. Golf course restaurant and remote catering operations are far more complex than those of chain restaurants
  • 48 years of Coronado Municipal Golf Course restaurant experience acting as the trusted agent of this City and its residents. Being the residents’ trusted agent is distinctly different than acting as a profit center for a chain Headquarters
  • 185 years of restaurant and food service experience with direct parallels to the Coronado Municipal Golf Course operations
  • 78 years of restaurant catering and event management experience

These are just a few of the facts regarding Brian Smock Dining’s experience, expertise, capabilities and plans for transforming the Coronado Municipal Golf Course experience. The complete story is fully detailed in our 90 page proposal.

Had the authors of a recently published article in the Coronado Times, a letter to the editor from Bayside Management published in the Coronado Eagle and Journal and numerous Coronado blog quips bothered to reach out to me to get the facts before publicly comparing and contrasting Brian Smock Dining’s capabilities with those of our competitors, the messages conveyed to their readers would have been very different. In failing to do so they did a disservice to their readers.

There are a few additional points regarding our team that informed readers might want to consider. We are not a chain of commercial restaurants or Pro Shops with a remote corporate headquarters to support. We are not a rapidly expanding chain that dilutes senior leadership attention to individual outlets and brings the inevitable risk associated with all rapidly expanding business ventures.

The Coronado City golfing and restaurant experience is the singular focus of our 100% Coronado resident Board of Advisors, our expert co-Chief Operating Officers and myself. Our only investment is in this City and its residents.

Brian Smock, Head Pro
Coronado Municipal Golf Course   

Managing Editor
Managing Editor
Originally from upstate New York, Dani Schwartz has lived in Coronado since 1996. She is happy to call Coronado home and to have raised her children here. In her free time she enjoys reading, exercising, trying new restaurants, and just walking her dog around the "island." Have news to share? Send tips or story ideas to: [email protected]

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