Sunday, February 23, 2025

Community Voices: Vehemently Opposed to Bike Path on Coronado Beach

Dear Mayor Tanaka and City Council Members:

Coronado beach has consistently been voted the top beach in the United States and is our prime jewel. This is the first time in the last sixty years that I have lived in Coronado that I have ever communicated my displeasure on any political matter, which should send a signal to all of you that I feel very strongly about protecting our beach —- and so do all of my friends. As a long time resident, I feel that it is our responsibility (and yours) to protect this natural asset in any way that we can forever.

A new bike path constructed on our beach will attract more tourists, increase traffic and make parking even more difficult in our neighborhoods. Why the City would spend money prior to really getting feedback from local taxpaying citizens who vote is reckless and not in the interest of cooperation or collaboration to represent our best interests.

Research has shown that biking on Ocean Blvd hasn’t created any accidents that should trigger The City to consider something of this magnitude. In addition, there are other more important problems like crossing Orange during the summer and finding parking places for guests visiting or for Coronado residents. Homes that are near the beach cannot even get in or out of our driveways plus tourists leave their garbage in our front yards and sidewalks.

This construction project will have to go in front of the California Coastal Commission before it even gets approved which necessitates an Environmental Impact Statement and probably a long term, drawn out CEQA review. This could cost in excess of $2 million dollars even before any path is constructed due to the extreme controversy that this idea has generated locally. Local opponents have the financial and legal resources to fight it to protect our beach from the very people who are supposed to be its stewards.

I have sent this email to many of my friends who are voters and are encouraging them to send you the same message of our disappointment and disapproval in your committing to spend money and time on this issue without any kind of real inclusion and concern for what it means to people who vote and pay taxes in Coronado.

Please table this discussion, stop spending tax money on this issue and educate yourselves more about what Coronado voters want, not people who will benefit but don’t live here. I think you will agree that we are having no problem attracting people to our beach just the way it is.

I feel strongly that The City seems to be moving towards a path that ultimately could desecrate our beach and ruin our iconic asset.


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