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Monthly Archives: July, 2014
Coronado Scribes Poetry and Prose Weekly Feature: “There He Blows” by Mary Beth Dodson
We, the Coronado Scribes, consist of both professional and amateur writers. We have in common a desire to learn, by sharing our efforts and...
Coronado Little League Fall Ball
FALLBALL Sign ups are happening NOW! Please visit www.Coronadolittleleague.net for more information! QuestionsÂ…..Please contact Cindy Kullberg at [email protected]
Celebrate Oz! Saturday, August 2nd from 10-4pm in Spreckels Park
The Coronado Cultural Arts Commission and Coronado MainStreet present a free community festival celebrating The Wizard of Oz. Oz comes home to...
Coronado Showhouse Offers Tour With Designer
Showhouse 2014 may be the most talked about home in the continental United States. It will be featured in the October issue of Coastal...
Coronado to Host USTA National Championships beginning July 31
The USTA Girls 16s/Girls 18s National Championships will be held at The Barnes Tennis Center July 31-August 1, (Qualifying Tournament) and August 2-9,...
Community Voices: The Silence is Deafening from the City of Coronado
Many blogs and letters have been written in the past couple months regarding "Del Beach". Even if the Hotel DOES have some long...
SEALs & God: Rock Church Microsite Meets in Coronado’s Proteus Gym
A typical Sunday at Rock Church in Point Loma can mean getting lost in a sea of thousands of people, which for some is...
Crown Town Performs at Concert in the Park
Crown Town Performs at Concert in the Park - presented by CoSA FILM Summer Intensive Students - CosaFoundation.org from Surf's Up Studios on...
The U.S. Military Realizes the Benefits of Secure, Renewable Energy
As tensions continue to increase in the Middle East and Eastern Europe, U.S. energy supplies are being disrupted, raising oil prices at home...
Coronado Online Bicycle Registration – Now Open
The City of Coronado just opened an online form that allows anyone to voluntarily register their bikes online. Information submitted on the form is...