Rio 2, sequel to 2011’s animated hit Rio, is an entertaining, if forgettable, romp through the Amazonian treetops. The films focuses on Blu and Jewel (voiced by Jesse Eisenberg and Anne Hathaway), who were introduced in the first film as the last remaining blue Spix macaws in the world (a population that has grown by Blu and Jewel’s three children in the intervening period between the first and the second film). However, early in the film, a possible flock of other, previously unknown, Spix macaws is sighted, leading Blu, Jewel, and their kids to head deep into the Amazon in search of their potential family.
What follows is a sometimes silly and oftentimes musical adventure that reveals new (and old) friends, enemies, and adventures. The supporting cast is strong, especially Kristen Chenoweth as a poison-dart frog, Gabi, and brings plenty of laughs and fun musical numbers to the film.
The theatre was filled with kids ranging from preschoolers to upper elementary-aged, and all seemed to enjoy the film. A word of caution to parents of younger or sensitive kids, though: there were quite a few references made to death or dying in the film (mostly courtesy of the poison frog, naturally), and a few scary (or, at least, intense) scenes involving a dispute between avian researchers and illegal rainforest loggers.
Rio 2
Rated: G
Running time: 101 minutes
Starring: Jesse Eisenberg, Anne Hathaway, Bruno Mars, Jamie Foxx, Leslie Mann,, Kristin Chenoweth
Check showtimes for Coronado’s Village Theatre here.
Brooke Prouty
Community Manager
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