Tuesday, March 11, 2025

CMS Families Invited to Powerful Assembly Tonight

If you have a child at Coronado Middle School, get out your calendar and make the time to attend this special evening. Rachel Joy Scott was the first person killed at Columbine High School April 20, 1999. Rachel Scott left some six journals with words of wisdom described as “beyond her years”. Since her premature death at age 17, her father and step mother have set up the non-profit Rachel’s Challenge. The message has helped save teens contemplating suicide and has decreased bullying. It is a message of spreading kindness. At Village Elementary School they call it “filling someone’s bucket.” One kind word or action can go a long way and you may never know the positive impact it will have on others.

Have you ever wanted to change the world? All it takes is an act of kindness.

Funded by a private donation, this program is open to all CMS students and their parents.

Join Rachel’s challenge Tuesday, February 4 at 6:30p.m. in Granzer Hall Auditorium at Coronado Middle School.

To get an idea of the powerful message you will witness, check out the Rachel’s Challenge website.

The story that changes everything from Rachel’s Challenge on Vimeo.


Kellee Hearther

Staff Writer


If you have something you would like to read about, please contact us.

Video courtesy of Rachel’s challenge.


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