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Monthly Archives: April, 2013
Photos from Coronado High School Empty Bowls Fundraiser 2013
The students and their ceramic creations prior to the event. The line to purchase soup and bowls stretched across the...
The Day the Ocean Swallowed My Ray-Bans
The Day the Ocean Swallowed My Ray-Bans (or How to Survive Life's Choppy Waters) I was on vacation in Costa Rica and it was...
CHS Empty Bowls Fundraiser TONIGHT April 18 from 5-7 p.m. (photos)
Join CHS Ceramics students and their instructor Eric Rempe tonight, Thursday, April 18 from 5-7p.m. in the Coronado High School Multipurpose Room for the...
2012-2013 Coronado High School Career Technical Education/ROP Awards in May
The 2012-2013 CHS CTE/ROP Awards will be held at the Coronado High School Performing Arts Theatre, 650 D Avenue, Coronado, CA 92118. The event...
Missing Cat Benny 3 year old Grey Tabby Male (photo)
Contact 619-277-1552 or 619-277-1038 with any information.
PAWS of Coronado Featured Felines of the Week- Meet Baby and Snickerdoodle!
Queen for a dayÂ… But it didn't lastÂ… Baby was relinquished by a family who had adopted her just seven months ago in...
Visitor that will never forget Coronado
This was the first time this young out of town visitor had ever made bubbles that big. She told me she would never forget...
Alert: Coronado City Sirens to be Tested on April 26
CORONADO, CA (April 16, 2013) – Next week, the Coronado Fire Department will conduct a test of the City's Emergency Siren Warning System....
Glorietta Bay Marina Dock C to Undergo Reconstruction
Editor's Note - April 18, 2013: "The City of Coronado advises local news media that the press release below, which was sent out late...
Police Blotter Apr. 8-16: 18 Reported Bicycles Stolen
Thank you to the Coronado Police Department for making this information available to the public. This is a partial list: Burglary ...