Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Police Blotter Feb. 25 – Mar. 4: Public Restroom Vandalized

Thank you to the Coronado Police Department for making this information available to the public. This is a partial list:

Attempt Qualifier
800 block of F Ave
unknown suspect places small metal pin into front door deadbolt lock of residence and flees in unknown direction
between 2-25 and 3-1


1500 block of Orange Ave
unknown suspect opened the unlocked French doors off the patio to the victim’s hotel room and entered the room

1500 block of Orange Ave
bicycle stolen from rental tent at Hotel
Value: $300


Battery on a spouse or cohabitant
4000 block of Coronado Bay Road
victim was held down, choked, battered and forced to remain in the hotel room by her boyfriend

Alcohol Related

DUI Alcohol and/or drugs – Misdemeanor
300 block of B Ave
suspect cited and released, Asian female age 38 from San Diego
3-2 at 3:14

DUI Alcohol and/or drugs – Misdemeanor
Driving under the influence with injury – Misdemeanor
2000 bloc of Visalia Row
suspect arrested, white male age 33 from San Diego
3-2 at 9:20

Drive while license suspended for DUI – Misdemeanor
Drive with suspended license, refused chemical testing
Driving with out a license
1100 block of F Ave
Suspect turned over, white male age 20 from Coronado


Grand Theft Unspecified
200 block of Ocean
locked bicycle stolen
Value: $2,500

Grand Theft Unspecified
200 block of 10th Street
barbeque stolen from backyard
Value: $1,000
Between 2-18 and 2-28

Grand Theft
Antigua Ct
Ring stolen from inside home
Value $5,000
Between 2-12 and 2-24

Petty Theft
200 block of Orange Ave
bicycle, chain and padlock stolen
Value: $520

Petty Theft
800 block of B Ave
two bicycles stolen from the front yard of a residence
Value: $400
Between 2-22 and 2-25

Petty Theft
Prospect Place
Purse and coins stolen from room
Value: $40
between 2-23 and 2-24

Petty Theft
700 block of 10th St
bike stolen sometime in January
Between 1-1 and 2-25

Petty Theft
1400 block of 4th St
motorized wheelchair stolen from walkway
Value: $300

1000 block of B Ave
unknown subject entered the public restroom and vandalized it, towel rack, soap dispenser and toilet top were broken and laying on the floor

Traffic Collision

800 block of Orange Ave
broadside collision

3000 block of Rendova Circle
broadside collision with bicycle when entering traffic
bicyclist had scrapes to right elbow and both knees

1100 block of SR-75
rearend collision with bicycle
bicyclist had complaint of pain to right side of torso and transported to hospital

4th Street and B Ave
broadside collision
one vehicle towed from the scene

1200 block of 1st St
broadside collision
one vehicle towed the other fled the scene
passenger had complaint of pain to right knee


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