Did you know that eCoronado.com is updated multiple times per day? News, events, photos and videos are added 7 days a week. By setting eCoronado.com as your homepage, you’ll be able to stay connected to ‘Everything Coronado’.
You can also add eCoronado.com to your smart phone, by going to eCoronado.com on your phone and then adding us as a shortcut or button on your screen.
It’s easy. Here are the instructions on how to make eCoronado.com your homepage:
Safari 1.x – Mac
1. From the Safari menu, choose Preferences.
2. Click on General.
3. Under “Home Page”:, type http://www.eCoronado.com
4. Close the window.
For Google Chrome, click here.
Firefox 1.x – Mac
1. From the Firefox menu, choose Preferences.
2. Click on General.
3. Under “Home Page”:, type http://www.eCoronado.com
4. Click OK.
Internet Explorer 5.x – Mac
1. From the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
2. Click on arrow next to Web Browser
3. Select Browser Display.
4. Under “Home Page” Address:, type http://www.eCoronado.com
5. Click OK.
Internet Explorer versions 5.x – 6.x – Windows
1. From the Tools menu, choose Internet Options.
2. Click the General tab.
3. Beside “Home Page Address:”, type http://www.eCoronado.com
4. Click OK.
That’s it. Now you can see the latest Coronado news and information each time you open up a browser.