News Alert
FROM: Rita Sarich, Executive Director, Coronado MainStreet Ltd. 619-437-0254
RE: Downtown Goes Ghostly 2010
It is time again for witches and ghosts to wander throughout the central downtown. Coronado MainStreet sponsors the popular Downtown Goes Ghostly each Halloween. This year, Halloween is on Sunday, October 31 and merchants in the central downtown will be prepared to welcome trick or treaters from 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM that afternoon.
MainStreet will have a cauldron in Rotary Plaza to collect entry coupons for a drawing for Coronado Currency, MainStreet’s citywide gift certificate program. The coupons will be on fliers sent home with the Coronado children. Each year, children in Coronado preschools and K-5 are notified.
In addition, MainStreet Board Members will be handing out “Ghostly Goodies” in the Plaza. MainStreet members will also be distributing candy to merchants who run low. “Sorry we are out of Treats” fliers will be posted by the businesses when the Halloween treats are gone.
Join us downtown for Halloween fun. Questions? Call Coronado MainStreet: 619-437-0254.
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