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DUKE & DUCHESS OF WINDSOR – Seminar To Be Held At Hotel Del (Amazing Photos)

September 23, 2009 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Joe Ditler (619) 742-1034, or [email protected] DUKE & DUCHESS OF WINDSOR Seminar To Be Held At Hotel Del She caused a King to abdicate his throne; she changed the course of history. She has been compared to femme fatales such as Delilah, Cleopatra and Mata Hari, but the true story of this Coronado socialite is more compelling than any fiction. October 16-19 the Duke & Duchess of Windsor Society will hold their first international conference at the Hotel del Coronado. Noted British historian Hugo Vickers is the featured speaker. He has authored numerous biographies about the British Royal Family and is currently penning a new biography about the Duchess. Vickers has appeared on numerous national talk shows including Larry King Live and Fox TV. He is considered a world authority on the British Royal Family. “I do think the Duchess is one of the most unfairly maligned women of the 20th century,” said Vickers. “And yet, what man ever gave up so much for one woman? Was it the great love story of our time, or something else?” The 1936 abdication is pivotal to the world in which we live today. It changed history and the course of British succession. Queen Elizabeth II’s lengthy reign is the direct result of her uncle King Edward VIII’s decision in 1936 to abdicate in favor of his younger brother, King George VI, Elizabeth’s father. Additionally, it has been well documented that Adolf Hitler’s campaign and strategy, upon the defeat of Great Britain, was to restore Edward to the throne. A film about the King and Mrs. Simpson is currently in the works, according to an article in the London Daily Mail, to be produced and directed by Madonna. Over the years rumor and myth have become legend and lore – stories about their sexual lifestyle, whether or not they were Nazi spies, what the FBI files had on the couple, or if they actually first met in 1920 when the Prince of Wales visited the Hotel del Coronado. One of the goals of the conference will be to examine the San Diego/Coronado legend, and to review Wallis’ time in this area, thanks to the work of local historian and journalist, Dr. Benjamin Sacks, who has investigated and written extensively on the topic. An incredible array of events will take place during the four-day conference. The Society will screen a documentary film by producer Christine Carter (who co-produced “Edward on Edward”, with H.R.H. Prince Edward) titled “The Demonized Duchess.” Speakers include the Reverend James Leo – the Duchess of Windsor’s vicar in the final years of her life, and Richard Rene Silvin – who enjoyed a close friendship with the Duchess in Paris, following the Duke’s death in 1972. Actress and producer Lena Farugia will perform select scenes from her play about the Duchess of Windsor, which recently had its European premier at the Finborough Theatre in London. The performance will be part of the Windsor Gala Saturday evening. The exact meal that was served to the Prince of Wales in 1920 will be prepared and served Saturday night, based on the original menu. The meal will take place in the Hotel Del’s historic Crown Room, the same location he dined in 1920. A special exhibit on the Duke & Duchess of Windsor will be staged at the Coronado Public Library October 3-November 27. The Library will also host an intimate lecture and book signing by Hugo Vickers Friday, October 16 at 6:30 p.m. The lecture is free but advance reservations are required. The seminar is available to the general public, but advance reservations are required. Tickets are $95 per day (or $135 with lunch), $270 for the entire conference (or $360 with lunches). The Windsor Gala and multi-course historic, 1920 Prince of Wales meal is $185 per person. The Duke & Duchess of Windsor Society is made up of international writers historians and collectors dedicated to recognizing and recording the historical significance of the Duke & Duchess of Windsor. The organization commemorates its 20th anniversary this year. The Coronado gathering will launch a conference series at famous Windsor haunts such as Washington DC, New York, London, Paris, Palm Beach, Nassau and even an Atlantic crossing. Conference schedule information, registration and reservations are available to the Hotel del Coronado seminar as well as the Coronado Public Library lecture by Hugo Vickers at, or by calling (760) 574-7825. For more information contact Mark Gaulding at the Duke & Duchess of Windsor Society at [email protected]. All photos courtesy Mark Gaulding, Duke & Duchess of Windsor Society:

Hugo Vickers is the guest speaker at the upcoming Duke & Duchess of Windsor seminar at the Hotel del Coronado. He has authored numerous biographies about the British Royal Family and is currently penning a new biography about the Duchess.

The Duchess of Windsor, nee Wallis Warfield-Spencer, spent a considerable part of her life in Coronado, and still has family in Coronado.

The Duke & Duchess of Windsor relaxing with their dog.

The Duchess of Windsor. History ranks her right alongside femme fatales Delilah, Cleopatra and Mata Hari.

Adolph Hitler planned to defeat Great Britain, and put the Duke of Windsor back on the throne as King.

Despite being part of the scandal of the century (or because of it), the Duchess of Windsor remained in demand as a speaker and socialite until her death. JOSEPH DITLER Writer/Publicist WWW.JOSEPHDITLER.COM


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