Sunday, March 9, 2025

Coronado Police Blotter: July 3- August 2, 2009

Thanks to the City of Coronado Police Department for providing with the below information (partial list):

Summaries: -2 Bicycle Thefts -8 Traffic Collisions -1 Vehicle Report Arrests: •July 7- Outside Warrant/ Felony. The suspect is a White male 49. (200 block of West Broadway) •July 27- Bench Warrant of Arrest-Misdemeanor. The suspect is a Hispanic male 27. (400 block of 5th St.) •July 31- Burglary/ Unspecified. The suspect is a male 21. (2000 block of 2nd St.) •August 1- DUI Alcohol and/or Drugs- Misdemeanor. The suspect is a Black male 22. (1200 block of Churchill Pl.) •August 1- Drunk, Protective Custody. The suspect is a White male 24. (1500 block of Orange Ave.) Crime: •July 3- July 30- Burglary/ Unspecified. The suspect(s) entered the victim’s upstairs den area and took a box containing two hand guns. The total loss was $1700. (1100 block of F Ave.) •July 13- July 24- Petty Theft. Unknown suspect(s) took nine DVDs from the Coronado Public Library, an estimated value of $ 181. (600 block of Orange Ave.) •July 27- July 28- Malicious Mischief/ Vandalism (Misdemeanor). Suspect(s) used an unknown tool to scrape/ cut the south window cover to Lifeguard tower # 2. (1700 block of Strand Way.) •July 27- July 28- Burglary/ Unspecified. The suspect(s) entered the victim’s secured garage and took a bike and tools worth $ 1570. (1700 block of Avenida Del Mundo) •July 29- Grand Theft/ Unspecified. Unknown suspect(s) took victim’s unlocked bike from the bike rack. (900 block of Ocean Blvd.) •July 29- July 31- Petty Theft. The victim contacted the Coronado Police Station regarding their bike being stolen from their yard, it was worth $ 500. (800 block of Glorietta Blvd.) •July 30- Terrorist Threats. Unknown suspect(s) made threats to destroy several Elementary schools in the cities of Coronado and San Diego. (600 block of 6th St.) •July 30- Report of Domestic Violence. Victim called the Coronado Police station because they became frightened of partner during an argument. (500 block of Country Club Ln.) •July 30- July 31- Grand Theft/ Unspecified. The suspect(s) cut the victim’s bicycle cable lock that was securing their bike at the time. (1500 block of Orange Ave.) •August 1- Inflict Corporal Injury on Spouse/ Cohabitant. The suspect forced the victim to move, inflicted injury, pushed/shoved the victim, attempt kidnap, choked, hit, kicked the victim. (100 block of Orange Ave.) •August 1- Grand Theft/ Unspecified. Victim left items including a Tiffany bracelet, cell phone and cash on the beach and when they returned they were gone. The total value was $ 440. (900 block of Ocean Blvd.) •August 1- August 2- Grand Theft/ Unspecified. Unknown suspect(s) took victim’s storage units. The total loss was $ 2500. (400 block of C Ave.) Elizabeth Dellinger Online Writer Intern


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