Thursday, February 6, 2025

Meet Daniel Sullivan of Sullivan Solar Power

Recently we have received new additions to Coronado, both in business and residents. Daniel Sullivan and his son moved here to Coronado in this past February (2009). Daniel is no ordinary business man. Daniel Sullivan is the owner and operator of Sullivan Solar Power and Energy. Daniel is a State Licensed Master Electrician, along with having over a decade in field experience. Daniel was born and raised in San Diego; he attended Rancho Bernardo High School and went through the Poway Unified School District. He is a Navy brat; his dad was a commander in the Navy when he retired. Originally Daniel wanted to become an Electrical Engineer, however due to various circumstances he instead attended an electrical apprentice program where he worked during the day and went to school at night. Daniel describes it as “exhausting”. However Daniel was not destined to be an electrician the rest of his life. When going to school Daniel learned about photovoltaic (PV) systems, regarding solar, where he came to realize that this system can improve the nation significantly. He then went to his supervisor at the time to share this knowledge and information and explain how they should pursue this technology to see if it will work, however instead of embracing the opportunity to help their clients at the time save money and improve their nation as a whole, the superintendent replied by explaining how no one will ever buy solar and it was not worth pursuing. Daniel was not easily convinced; therefore he continued to go to the supervisor and try to get the company to pursue the technology. Finally, the supervisor told Daniel that they were never going to go in that direction. Daniel was still sold on this technology, so instead of burying it and move on, he decided to take matters into his own hands and take a leap of faith and pursue it himself. With only his beat-up Ford Ranger, two thousand dollars in the bank and a friend’s garage, Daniel started his own company with no investors; Daniel went around selling solar to anyone who would listen. Daniel was turned down many of times with excuse such as ‘it will not pay for itself’, ‘I do not trust the technology’, ‘it is too expensive’ along with other various comments. This was all in 2004; much has changed since then, eventually Daniel found some people who did believe in the technology and were willing to help him. By the end of 2005, Sullivan Solar had done almost 1 million dollars in sales. Now in 2009, 5 years later he has 20 employees, 9 trucks, an office in San Diego, an office in Florida and has done about 10 million dollars in sales. Needless to say solar power and energy does work, and it has its profits. Daniel was attracted to move to Coronado due to the community and the values that the community posses “from the communities I’ve been in it is the closest thing to a perfect family community that I have ever seen. Almost like it is stuck in time like the 50s with the families and the kids playing in the yards.” Daniel wanted this for his son so he decided to move to the place that he loved so much and enjoyed spending quality time with his son riding his bike and going out on their boat. Daniel enjoys the serene feeling of Coronado compared to other communities “When I come across that bridge everyday or prior to living here, it felt that there was a lift off my shoulders when I was coming to Coronado. I wanted that for my son I wanted him to grow up in any environment where he was safe where he would go to good schools and grow up with like-minded kids.” Daniel wants to make all of Coronado solar due to the fact that it is his backyard and it is his home. Every home on Coronado Island is a perfect fit for solar, except for a few exceptions. Daniel believes that solar power and energy can make a big impact in Coronado and in the nation in a short amount of time. Sullivan Solar Power’s goal is to make Coronado a 100% powered by solar. Daniel believes it will send ripples throughout the nation, and that it will show that the dream of being completely powered by solar can come true. He also believes that “it can change things drastically for the landscape as far as energy production in this nation.” Daniel was very motivated to get into solar power and energy because he was looking at what was happening considering the country, as far as money was going to energy, “One of the motivators getting into this industry is that we were sending billions of dollars to the Middle East to unstable rogue nations why don’t we just declare energy independent and keep the money inside of our country?” The city of San Diego ranked number one in the state of California, and due to California being the top state for solar power and energy, therefore San Diego is the leading city in the nation for solar power and energy. California and San Diego are a prime spots for solar power because we are bather in an intense sunlight so often. Daniel jumped at the opportunity to have his own business and do something good at the same time, something that would have a positive impact on the world, and if the business did well, hopefully his son could take it over when he was old enough. Daniel will only present you with the facts and then have you make your decision for yourself. Here are some of the facts: it is more cost effective, good, for our national economy, good for fossil fuel sources, and good for the environment. He believes that eventually everyone will so solar if not now, some time in the future. Daniel also recycles as much as possible, he is not wasteful, his family turns off unneeded light sources, or other utilities that are not needed 24/7 and extra appliances. Daniel would love to see everyone with an electric car in the future, along with powering their homes with solar power and energy so that there is no need for fossil fuel or using an electrical grid. As a whole solar power will reduce your gas and electrical bill along with your need for fossil fuel; it will be less than what you are paying now plus it will be the same payment even 5 years from now, therefore having you not have to worry about wasting more money. A regular gas and electric bill will continue to go up even if you do not increase your usage due to the high demand of fossil fuel. A usual loan for the solar power and energy system id from 15-25 years, the payment will always be reliable no matter what. Use the facts and statements here to make your own decision on whether or not to switch to solar power and energy. To learn more about solar power and energy or Sullivan Solar Power please click here. To go learn more about a seminar for solar power held by Sullivan Solar Power please click here, it will be held on Aug. 15, 2009. Elizabeth Dellinger Online Writer Intern


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