Thursday, December 26, 2024

Thank you for helping Connor

To the editor and people of Coronado: Thank you for helping Connor. I would like to thank everyone who attended or contributed to the fundraiser held last month for Connor C. When I heard about Connor by way of Coronado Little League President, Jillian McNary, I knew that I had to join in the effort to help his family and thanks to the wonderful community we live in, the response has been wonderful. Connor is a 4 year old boy in Coronado, who was recently diagnosed with stage 4 High Risk Neuroblastoma Cancer. This is a cancer of nerve cells. Neuroblastoma can occur anywhere in the body, but it most often occurs in on of the adrenal glands in the tummy. The cause of neuroblastoma is unknown. He has been undergoing treatment, including chemotherapy, at Children’s Hospital, though they try to make it home for a few days when they can. Connor’s mom, Linda, quit her job so that she could be with Connor every minute while he undergoes this ordeal. More information can be found about Connor at, and typing in ConnorC. Emails can be sent to [email protected]. Finally, we are very fortunate to have the assistance of Golden Rule Society, a local charity dedicated to helping children. Tax deductible donations can be made on line via or checks can be sent payable to Golden Rule Society, c/o Kim Austin 421 G Ave in Coronado. Donations made for Connor’s family should identify “Connor C” on the check or in the description line if made on line. All proceeds will go directly to Connor’s family. Kim Austin [email protected]


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