Neighbor-to-Neighbor (N-2-N) is a program built on neighbors looking out for and helping one another. With multiple help-your-neighbor efforts springing up around Coronado immediately after the declaration of a national emergency, a group of citizens approached the City to propose a unified and coordinated effort to provide support to our citizens and neighbors. Through this partnership, local volunteers, your neighbors, with the support of the City of Coronado, are undertaking initiatives to get the word out to all our citizens; helping deliver food, medications, and other needs to people needing assistance; providing critical transportation for those in need; and coordinating donations to assist those suffering severe financial hardship during these times.
Programs are being organized by volunteers in the Coronado Cays, Coronado Shores, Coronado Village and Navy Housing.
Coronado’s N-2-N initiative will enable residents to be better informed and able to take advantage of local efforts and resources. Launching in the next few days, be on the look-out for a neighbor to deliver a letter with program details. This program is entirely voluntary. It establishes a practical, enduring system of communication between neighbors and a simple system to ensure neighbors are OK. It is a conduit for establishing effective communications and neighborly “check-ins” as well as serving as liaisons to make the city aware of needs or trends that may arise in their neighborhoods.
In the days to come, look for a neighbor to reach out to you about this program. Again, the program is entirely voluntary and run by volunteers but during these uncertain times it is important that we maintain our sense of community. If you do not receive information regarding this program and want to participate please contact the Neighbor-to-Neighbor (N-2-N) program coordinator at
or contact the Coronado Call Center at (619) 522-6380.