Friday, March 28, 2025

City of Coronado Coronavirus Update

For now, the City’s beach and boat launch ramp at Glorietta Bay Park will remain open. The City of San Diego and other coastal cities closed their beaches and surrounding parking lots and the Port of San Diego closed its parks, including Coronado Landing Park and beach, Coronado Tidelands Park and beach, and Grand Caribe Shoreline Park. Some regional news outlets have told people that they can go to the beach and take walks. However, the City is encouraging people to stay at home. Signs have been placed at the beach encouraging people to stay at home and signs are also have been posted at the parking lots at Avenida de las Arenas and Avenida Lunar in South Beach. The City will continue to monitor the size and activities at the beach and boat ramp to ensure social distancing.

Coronavirus Information Webpage
The City’s dedicated Coronavirus Information webpage outlines the additional precautionary measures Coronado officials have taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The 
 can be found on the City’s website and includes links to the San Diego County Public Health and Human Services Agency, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization, which contains information on how to keep safe.
Click here
to visit the web page.
Volunteer Opportunities and Resources
Many people in Coronado want to volunteer to help their Coronado neighbors. The City is working to deliver resources and services while at the same time minimizing the spread of the illness. In association with clubs, organizations and churches, we are working to identify those who may have needs and match them with resources. If you know of someone who needs to be checked on or has a need, please contact the Call Center at (619) 522-6380. 
Neighbor-to-Neighbor (N-2-N) is a program built on neighbors looking out for and helping one another. With multiple help-your-neighbor efforts springing up around Coronado immediately after the declaration of a national emergency, a group of citizens approached the City to propose a unified and coordinated effort to provide support to our citizens and neighbors. Through this partnership, local volunteers, your neighbors, with the support of the City of Coronado, are undertaking initiatives to get the word out to all our citizens; helping deliver food, medications, and other needs to people needing assistance; providing critical transportation for those in need; and coordinating donations to assist those suffering severe financial hardship during these times.
Programs are being organized by volunteers in the Coronado Cays, Coronado Shores, Coronado Village and Navy Housing.
Coronado’s N-2-N initiative will enable residents to be better informed and able to take advantage of local efforts and resources. Launching in the next few days, be on the look-out for a neighbor to deliver a letter with program details. This program is entirely voluntary. It establishes a practical, enduring system of communication between neighbors and a simple system to ensure neighbors are OK. It is a conduit for establishing effective communications and neighborly “check-ins” as well as serving as liaisons to make the city aware of needs or trends that may arise in their neighborhoods.
In the days to come, look for a neighbor to reach out to you about this program. Again, the program is entirely voluntary and run by volunteers but during these uncertain times it is important that we maintain our sense of community. If you do not receive information regarding this program and want to participate please contact the Neighbor-to-Neighbor (N-2-N) program coordinator at
or contact the Coronado Call Center at (619) 522-6380.
The American Red Cross will hold a blood drive from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Thursday, April 9, at the Coronado Community Center. See flier below. To schedule an appointment, log onto The Red Cross is closely monitoring COVID-19. The Red Cross said it urgently needs planned blood drives to run as planned.
All Sharp HealthCare facilities, including Coronado, will be starting a donation drive March 25, 2020, for Personal Protective Equipment – masks, gowns, gloves. There is a drive-thru donation box outside the main entry here in Coronado.
Meals on Wheels San Diego County
(619) 260-6110
Meals on Wheels was established in Coronado in 1972 and is available to seniors 60 years of age and older, their caregivers and disabled veterans. Meals on Wheels is monitoring the evolving COVID-19 situation, taking precautions to protect their volunteers, as well as their clients, and preparing for increased demand and new ways of delivering services. They are currently taking new deliveries as well as volunteers for deliveries. Please call if you have a need for the service or know someone who does.
Library Services
The Coronado Public Library continues to offer services to the community including access to eBooks, audio-books, movies and magazines. Look for
Facebook Live postings for children on the Coronado Library Facebook Page. Here’s the schedule:
  • Monday at 10:30 a.m. Mindfulness Storytime
  • Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. Preschool Storytime
  • Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. –Spanish Storytime
  • Thursday at 10:30 a.m. – Baby Storytime
  • Friday at 10:30 a.m. – STEM Storytime
Online services are still available. To get a Coronado Public Library card, fill in an application online through our website,
 Then take a photo of your California or Military ID on your phone and email it to We will email back a barcode number and a temporary PIN. Physical cards will be held for pickup when the library reopens. If you have any questions, call (619) 522-7390.
Business Information
The Coronado Chamber of Commerce and Coronado MainStreet have pages dedicated to local restaurants and businesses, those that are open, their hours, addresses and websites. Check it out if you need a meal or want to know the hours of gas stations, pharmacies and grocery stores. As things are changing hourly, call in advance to be sure a business is open. Thanks to the Chamber and MainStreet for this service.
Coronado Call Center
Coronado has set up a call center to help answer questions and hear the concerns of residents. Please call (619) 522-6380 if you are concerned about a neighbor or family member, have concerns about food and other resources, or if you have questions about our local schools, City services or City business. Don’t hesitate to call us. The call center is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., seven days a week.
(619) 522-6380
Safe at Home but Not Alone
On March 20, the City began its 
Safe at Home but Not Alone
 community outreach to connect with the community through programming on Coronado TV and via social media. The City will begin broadcasting programs it typically offers at the Library, Spreckels Center and Community Center such as yoga, Library Storyhour and Cultural Arts videos. In partnership with the Library, Recreation Department and Cultural Arts Commission, the City is engaging staff, local creatives and teachers to provide programming that otherwise would not be available to our citizens during this time.
Animal Care Facility
The Coronado Animal Care Facility has suspended adoptions. PAWS of Coronado staff, who run the facility on behalf of the City, will take care of the animals with adjusted procedures to make sure it is operated in a safe manner. Call for any questions, (619) 522-7371. PAWS is suspending the processing of licenses at this time and will notify the community when this service is once again available
Stay Informed, Coronado
Stay Informed Coronado

Do you like being in the know? Do you know what’s going on in Coronado? However, you like to get your city news, Coronado has many ways for you to get it. Do you like Twitter? We are active on 
. Do you prefer 
? Like us to keep up. Maybe you prefer a text message for traffic advisories. Sign up for the 
City’s Police Department Nixle account
. What about an email reminder that a meeting is coming up or the council agenda is online? We have that, too, through our 
eNotification system
. Of course, almost all of that can be found online in the City Manager’s Weekly Update, a compendium of all the news and events that are going on or coming up in Coronado. You can sign up to receive an email as soon as it is published online or you can visit the City’s website on Friday at noon and find it there. Finally, don’t forget to check the City’s 
new website
, where you can find news and information that affects residents, businesses and visitors.



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Coronado Times Staff
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