The Coronado Historical Association (CHA) is honored to host filmmakers Kathy Estocin Foley and P.S. Foley for the screening of their documentary Home of the Brave along with a Q&A for the February Wine & Lecture on Feb. 15. CHA’s lectures cover a wide range of fascinating historical topics from Coronado and the greater San Diego area. During this upcoming event, the Foleys will introduce the audience to a story that resonates with many of our community members. The filmmakers will share their thoughts and inspirations for making the film followed by a special screening of the acclaimed documentary film.

Home of the Brave is a 90-minute documentary and a story that many families in Coronado know all too well. A naval aviator shot down in Vietnam followed by immense uncertainty and the excruciating trials that loved ones at home had to endure. Captain Michael J. Estocin, a Skyhawk pilot, was shot down on April 26, 1967. He was listed as M.I.A. and then as a P.O.W., but he never came home. To this day, he is still unaccounted for. His wife, Marie Estocin strived for answers and was an integral part of the famed League of Wives petitioning Washington. Now, some 50 years later, Michael and Marie’s daughter Kathy Estocin Foley has made a film about her family’s experience surrounding this tragic event.

This is the story of a woman, her father, a house, a forgotten box of letters, and all those left behind when someone gives their final full measure of devotion to their country. Please join us for the San Diego premiere of Home of the Brave and share in the final honors for Captain Michael J. Estocin.

The event will be held in the lecture hall of the Coronado Historical Association at 1100 Orange Avenue on Feb. 15. A wine and cheese reception will begin at 5:30 pm followed by the program at 6 pm. CHA is honored to host this informative program, and tickets are almost sold out. No walk-ups will be able to be accommodated for the event. Tickets for this event and all future events are available at, by calling 619-435-7242, or in person at the CHA Store on Orange Avenue.