Film producers Brett Davis, Sarah Morga and Larry Delrose, a.k.a. Mr. Entertainment, have released their documentary film “The Big Dump; Our Pacific Ocean in Crisis” on YouTube. The film premiered at the Coronado Island Film Festival on November 10, 2023 where it won the Audience Choice Award for Best Documentary Feature. Additionally, it won the Best Shorts Competition in La Jolla, California for Raising Awareness and Public Service on Contemporary Issues.
The producers decided to release the film on YouTube because of Congressman Scott Peters, Coronado Mayor Richard Bailey, and Coronado City Councilman John Duncan. Those three advocates took a trip to Washington, DC this month to knock on doors of other congressmen and senators, as well as President Biden and Vice President Harris, to raise awareness and lobby to get another $310 million dollars to fix the 88-year Tijuana sewage crisis emergency. The trio was surprised to find out that hardly any of their colleagues were familiar with the issue. When the film’s producers heard this, they felt compelled to put the film out to the world immediately so it could be used as a tool for Peters, Bailey, Duncan, and any other advocates or advocate groups that are passionate about spreading awareness on the Tijuana sewage crisis.
The film is directed by Allen Carrasco and is 37 minutes in length.
To view the film, search “The Big Dump Documentary” on YouTube. For more information go to
“The Big Dump” Documentary on Sewage Crisis is Coming to CIFF