Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Coronado Sailor Reflects on “Boot Camp” at Naval Training Center San Diego (Video)

The Centennial anniversary is not only a milestone for San Diego and its rich military history but also the celebration of a successful adaptive reuse project. Recognizing that Liberty Station is built on the grounds where 1.75 million recruits and 1 million school sailors once walked, is awe-inspiring.

Coronado’s Alan Worthy, CAPT USN (RET), was interviewed about his experience going through “boot camp” at Naval Training Center San Diego. NTC San Diego ceased operations in 1997, but is being recognized as part of a historic centennial celebration. It opened operations back in 1923 and has been redeveloped into today’s Liberty Station.

Meet Alan Worthy, a former NTC recruit, retired Navy captain, and helicopter pilot Naval aviator. He graduated high school in 1988 in Pennsylvania and came to NTC training through the BOOST program. NTC is the foundation of who he became not only as a Naval officer but as an adult. He brings his girls to the LOT theatre to watch movies now and it was their BOOST building in 1988. Learn more about Alan’s time at NTC and how it changed his life forever.

This is the foundation of who I became – not only as a Naval officer, but as an adult. I was 17 when I landed here.
– Alan Worthy, CAPT USN (RET)

The Centennial anniversary is not only a milestone for San Diego and its rich military history but also the celebration of a successful adaptive reuse project. Recognizing that Liberty Station is built on the grounds where 1.75 million recruits and 1 million school sailors once walked, is awe-inspiring. Learn more and watch additional videos.


As Liberty Station Celebrates 100 Years, a U.S. Navy Veteran Reflects

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Coronado Times Staff
Coronado Times Staff
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