Rain, wind, waves and high tides continue to uncover “hidden” items along Coronado’s coastline. Last week, The Coronado Times showcased multiple sets of stairs that are now clearly visible in many locations near the Coronado Shores:
This week, small rocks and many large rocks line many parts of the coastline and wrap around in front of the Hotel del Coronado. The sandy area referred to by locals as the “Pit” has now become a shallow bay with very little beach left to sit on.
On the other side of the Hotel del Coronado’s “rock wall,” you can clearly see the remains of the harborette – a project from the 1920s according to this article from the Coronado Historical Association:

An addition of sorts was made to the rock wall in the 1920s when Coronado sought to establish an ocean landing Naval base along the shore. The location was advantageous because large battleships could anchor more easily in this location rather than at North Island. In 1924, the community quickly mobilized to approve funding and construction of a curved rock wall off of the Hotel del Coronado to create a harborette. The cities of San Diego and Coronado split the $150,000 cost to construct a C-shaped rock wall into the ocean. Coronado residents grew excited by this new economic prospect and geared up for an increase in land value as well as the construction of some 750 new homes for navy sailors. However, funding from San Diego soon fell short. In the early winter months of 1926, three storms hit Coronado beach and damaged the still unfinished harbor wall — the cost of the project’s completion increased by $50,000. San Diego ignored calls for more funding to finish the wall, and by 1926, the Coronado community ceased work on the rock wall extension. Today, sections of the abandoned C-shaped wall can be seen off the beach by the Hotel del Coronado. (Courtesy of the Coronado Historical Association)

Typically, you can see the top of the southern wall, but rarely can you see both sides of the wall sticking out a few feet from the sand!
Another view of the recently unburied “harborette” just in front of the Hotel del Coronado and north of the Coronado Shores. pic.twitter.com/nCb0RG5Sm5
— Coronado Times Newspaper (@CoronadoIsland) January 19, 2023
Low tide revealed a new “bay” where the sandy “Pit” is usually found. The sandy beach area was diminished by large waves and high tides. @delcoronado @CoronadoShores_ pic.twitter.com/jbyDbBWTJo
— Coronado Times Newspaper (@CoronadoIsland) January 18, 2023

2018 Storm Video and Damage: