Wednesday, March 12, 2025

FOCUS Boutique 2021 – Get Your Shopping Done Early

Friends of Children United Society (FOCUS) is inviting you to shop for Christmas in November!

Photo by Don Swanson

On Saturday, November 20, 2021, FOCUS will be having their annual boutique from 10 in the morning until 2 in the afternoon, at the Coronado Cays Yacht Club, 30 Caribe Cay Blvd. in the Coronado Cays.

Over 40 approved merchants will be offering ladies fashion and accessories, art, jewelry, plants, kitchen ware, Thanksgiving decorations, jams and foods, luggage, home as well as garden décor, and much, much more. So many dealers will be presenting their items inside and outside of the Coronado Cays Yacht Club. There will be plenty of coffee, tasty pastries, and other delights available while you shop. A ten-dollar entry fee will be required, which will benefit needy children of San Diego.

Christmas is approaching, and what better way to plan for it than by shopping early and ensuring your presents will be under the tree when Christmas arrives. So many stores and businesses are delaying products and item delivery, that it could be weeks, even months, before they may be available to you. The FOCUS boutique will be offering quality items for immediate purchase. You take home what you buy that day, wrap each gift early for Christmas, or enjoy what you purchased immediately for the holidays.

The Covid-19 pandemic prevented FOCUS from having their annual boutique in 2020, but that has not stopped them from doing what they do best, helping children in need in San Diego. During the pandemic they helped Urban Street Angels, an organization that picks up homeless adolescents from the streets of San Diego and takes them to private locations, where they are fed, provided showers, clothes if needed, and medical assistance when applicable. FOCUS was over-whelmed with requests for assistance during the pandemic and helped hundreds during this period.

FOCUS is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization comprised of men and women from many walks of life. They have one goal: helping to make life better for San Diego County children and teens in need. They have helped homeless minors, children with special needs, and families who have had special requests for their children. Whether it be food, clothing or special needs, FOCUS has been helping children of all San Diego County for 40 years.

For more information, visit their website at

FOCUS Holiday Boutique 2021



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